    There are so many kids shooting at school. Why is this? Is it a fad? Too much news? Too much sensationalism?

    so sad ... state of children

    +8  Views: 1076 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    Too many kids on mind altering drugs, including the legal ones like prozac. A study was done last year after Sandy Hook. All the kids for decades back involved in school shootings were on some sort of prescribe mind altering drug. Get the kids off these drugs.

    Stastistics taken have concluded you have more chance of being shot when carrying a gun.

    A stat that gun carrying criminals should pay attention to. Criminals like to wave their guns around. Law abiding, licensed gun owners conceal their weapon so no one knows they have one on their person.

    A bit like Ted i guess,

    11 Answers

    Social media,drugs, lack of family structure, low or no morals.drugs and weapons ., dirty currupt justice system.. easier to get than a high school diploma..need i say more !!

    Too many easily available automatic weapons for people with mental problems IMHO!

    Sensationalism.  The thought did cross my mind in my teenage years but it never occurred to me to actually do it. I believe it all started with Charles Whitman and the UT tower shooting……..


    jh, I remember that. At that time, a mass sniper-type shooting was unheard of, but yes, that was the kind of beginning of it all.AFter that came that mass killing by gun in a McDonalds. I still think of that at times when I go into a McDonalds.

    'GUNS' as simple as that!


    bulletman, judging by your screen name, you're a gun advocate, or owner, aren't you?

    Mycatsmom, i did own a couple of rifles when i was younger, i shot rabbits and foxes, as i matured i got rid of them, i can't see what is sporting about shooting animals, because of our gun laws i would have to surrender them anyway,the crims have guns but it is rare that an innocent citizen is shot. AS far as being a gun advocate, i am certainly not, get rid of the guns and the sensless violence would most likely cease, criminals and bikies will always have access to guns when there is a ' black market' for them, the sooner the U. S. wakes up to the fact about gun violence the better off we all will be, two teachers killed this week alone by students. i am not being naive just realistic.

    Another teacher killed here this week. Student slit her throat open with a box knife. Violence will never go away no matter what dictators take away from the people.

    Too much access to guns and too many broken families  


    and poverty and a sense that there is nothing out there for them and there never will be. It brings on such frustration and anger. This climate grows gangs and the violence associated with them. In Salinas, there are many jobs in the fields but they don't pay well and the work is truly back breaking. John Steinbeck writes a lot about that.
    I saw some kids about 9 and 10 raid a condo. They ran out leaving a trail of cookies and fish shaped crackers. The police got them and put them on their stomachs and pulled their arms back ... these were little kids! Yes, I know any age can carry a weapon ...

    May be time for better gun control laws.


    sunnyB: Where do you live?

    I live in England itsmee, we have different laws here. I can understand why most Americans want to keep their right to have guns, it's part of your constitution, but maybe you shouild have tighter controls on where they are kept and who can get their hands on them.We have shootings over here now and again, even with our tight controls, but no where near as much as you do in America.

    With things as they are in the US, I just feel safer with a gun. It's a sad sad situation. Thanks sunnyB,

    Studies show that the tighter the gun control laws the more gun violence rises. This is because the criminals feel empowered. They know the citizens who obey the law will not arm themselves. This gives criminals no fear of having a gun aimed back at them. From articles I've read coming from the UK, many experts there feel the no gun law is working against the people. What all these anti-gun articles fail to mention is how many people are actually saved through the use of a gun. How many crimes are stopped because a good guy had a gun. England is a small country (if you are only speaking of England and not the UK). You can not compare such a small country to one the size of the USA. It is virtually impossible to remove all the guns from this country which is a good thing. I'd rather not live in a country where the people could not arm and protect themselves. Just ask Mexico how that idea is working out for them as the civilians get slaughtered in the streets daily because the Cartels have taken over.

    BS Colleen, who supplies the cartels with their weapons?
    I'm guessing it's not Russiaor the UK!

    Of course there is the "Operation Fast and Furious" deal let by Eric Holder and covered up by Obama. Mexicans are still being slaughtered in their country because the civilians can not defend themselves because they are not allowed to own guns.

    even the cops in England don't carry guns.( the "bobbies" )

    Some do mcm. They are called in when a gun is involved.

    Some of them do mcm, just for "special" occasions ;)

    I was raised in a gun community and everyone had guns and amunition everywhere, all the time. Guns in cars, bullets on the floor, guns in your mother’s purse, pistols in over-coat pockets. Little guns the women like to carry in their purse and FBI keep in their boots. By the time I was ten I owned three shotguns, a .22 and 2 pistols that I sold off to buy a 30-06 with a 30X  zoom telescope for shooting ground hogs for the local farmers. TV, movies and games all suggest mass murder of people. Shooting people was quite rare in those days. I could not imagine deliberately sooting any person. That was just wrong. As I grew up the world seemed to get less friendly and personable. Strangers were not welcomed with open arms, but were more often greeted with suspicion or assertive, predjudical opinions. The world I grew-up in was displaying signs of insanity which led me to studying subjects of mental distress and moral failings referencing the works of others who also studied the collective mind. The world seemed to be on the verge of falling into global nuclear war and a great terror was that war would begin in Cuba and turn nuclear overnight when JFK choose the last resort of contacting the Russians to see if a deal could be made. That was the most hopeful turn of events I had ever seen. Can we make a deal? That gave all of us hope for a peaceful tomorrow.       


    Robert, everyone here too has guns......mainly for hunting and home protection.There are many guns in Canada used for hunting, but they don't have many murders done by a gun

    MCM, you are correct. We Canadians kill with our politeness; not with guns.

    more a lack of believing in a right to life..if you dont believe in your own right to life,how can you care about anyone else..if you cannot see anything good on the horizon,why not go out in a blaze of so called glory,,,nice chattin guys

    I live in England and until you get rid of your stupid law of the right to bare arms you only have yourself to blame!!!


    I'm not a nut. I want my right to bare arms because of all the others....
    Years ago -- maybe 20 years -- it wasn't this way. I want to be safe.

    I know people who live in England and they wish that they did not have the stupid law that prevents them from defending their life and property.

    you are talking out the back of your a--e,

    Actually no I am not. Watch the videos I gave you. I can introduce you to friends of mine in England who are not pleased with the law. You just want to believe that everyone there thinks like you. Seems to me that you are being one sided, just like you accused me of being. There's no reason to get testy and start swearing even if you sensor it.

    I have been train to youse a rifle Colleen,an was a marksman in the Army,and fire for two private clubs,but we leave our guns at the club under safe lock and key,i also have worked for the Metropolitain police,and if nessasary would be armed if it was deemed to warrent it,

    I have my shot gun right here at home where I can use it to defend myself and property if I need to. That is a right afforded me by the US Constitution which is the highest law of this country. Everyone is safe from my gun unless they break into my home and I believe my life is threatened by them. Having it stored at the police station does me no good if I need it to protect what is mine.

    I Acept you have your different problems in the U,S,A,,I Appoliges if i was rude Colleen,

    Thank you Dennis.

    It's not easy to get a gun in the U.S. My husband recently brought ours home. It cost a lot of money. After that: 1) Take a test on basic firearm safety and knowlege 2) Pass a very strict background test 3) There's a ten-day waiting period to pick it up. 4) You need to have a gun safe. Another expense. After that there is practice at the range. The more practice the better.
    I think everybody in the U.S. wants one. We had to think about it for a couple of years before the purchase (That is I had to think about it for a long time. I'm still kind of afraid of it.)

    BARE arms have nothing to do with weapons. BARE arms are ones not covered by sleeves. You mean the "right to bear arms".

    Papa & Mama bear have the right to bear arms to protect their cottage if Red Riding Hood breaks and enters.

    My daughter called the story book child Ride Who Dee Oh.

    Note: This is a trick response. : D. Can you correct this one?

    Colleen: Good for you. You sleep better at night. I'm up with akaQA most nights and into the morning. Maybe it will be better when I take a couple of classes.

    itsmee....Goldilocks broke into the cottage of the 3 Bears, not RRH.

    And in England, do you not have thugs with guns, what do they use sling shots? Outlawing guns is not the only answer, who ever is going to do bad will find a gun. I, by the way, do not own a gun, but feel that others may have the right to do so. Perhaps more regiments should be in place to get the bullets? But you may not fully understand our passion for our rights under our Constitution.

    Bob/PKB is the winner of The Goldilocks Contest : )

     1. young, impressionable pre-teens and teens don't get enough guidance at home   2.  It's all the violent video games they play and the movies and TV shows they watch. ( There again.....lack of guidance. They have a TV in their room, and the mom lets them watch whatever the h- - - -   they want. )   3. They're not being taught spiritural values, such as the 10 Commandments  . 4. the lack of a father in the home. 5. the easy availability of guns.And the parents don't even know they're ordering high powered automatic rifles and ammo off the internet. 6.. the drugs kids take......either by prescription, or off the street.And drinking


    Test your theory. Go out tomorrow and find out how easy it is to get a gun be it from a store or off the street. Too many believe this to be true but they've never tried to get a gun.

    "Children" shooting their parents are generally for financial gain and/or to end an abusive home situation.
    "Children" shooting their boy/girl friends are "crimes of passion"; what would make a kid think of this kind of revenge?  Media exposure mostly.  If you don't grow up seeing this on TV shows and in movie theatres, you aren't likely to think of it yourself.
    Most of the mass shootings I've read or heard about seem to stem from the killers being "loners" or "misfits", unable to comfortably socialize in their environment and with their peers. Retaliation for real or imagined slights, "I'll show you", "Hey, look at me NOW!",  attitudes are the catalyst, and it's certainly been a "successful" way of getting attention.

    Then, you have the gangs, where gun "play" is expected and encouraged. The value of life has been replaced with duty to the gang.  That is the scariest, because THOSE killers are indiscriminate and cold-blooded; no one is safe.  Sometimes the "initiation" is to shoot somebody. 

    The availability of weapons through "black market" means provides the gangs with their weapons. The "solo" incidents are mostly weapons that are family owned or "borrowed". 

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