    what are the major signs a guy likes you

    0  Views: 2082 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    So you want to know if a guy likes you? Some guys can be hard to read if they don’t just come right out and tell you they like you.
    The good news is that a guy’s body language can be a big giveaway when it comes to figuring out if he likes you.
    There are certain things guys do subconsciously when they like a woman. If you know what signs to look for, you can decode his body language and find out if he’s crushing on you.
    Here is a list of 24 signs a guy likes you. If a guy did only one of these things, it probably wouldn’t tell you much. But if he does a bunch of them, then you can be pretty sure he likes you.
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    1. He smiles at you
    If you notice a guy smiling at you, it’s a pretty good indication he likes you. It’s natural to smile at someone you like, but how do you know if it means something more? Try to notice how often he smiles at you. If he seems to smile at you a lot more than would seem normal, he probably likes you. If he seems to smile at you whenever you lock eyes, for no apparent reason, he probably likes you.
    2. He maintains eye contact with you
    If a guy makes eye contact with you and it feels prolonged, even just a fraction of a second longer than would seem normal, he is most likely interested in you. Especially if he flashes you a big grin at the same time.
    3. You catch him staring at you
    Have you ever caught a guy staring at you, and he suddenly turns away? If you catch him once, it could be a mere coincidence. But if it happens more than once, chances are he likes you. Provided you aren’t doing or wearing something absurd or have food on your face, he’s probably into you.
    4. He’s always around
    If a guy is always walking near you, sitting next to you, or just seems to pop up wherever you are, those are all good signs that he is interested and trying to find opportunities to get closer to you.
    5. He stands a little too close
    If you feel as though a guy is invading your personal space just slightly, this could be a major sign that he likes you. Take note of the distance between you when he’s around. If he’s a little bit closer than he should be, he probably likes you. If you move in a little and he doesn’t step back, it means he’s receptive. If he responds by getting even closer, you can be pretty certain he really likes you.
    6. He leans in, shoulders square to you, without turning his back
    If a guy leans in facing you with his shoulders square to you, and rarely turns his back, that kind of body language is a good indication he’s interested in you.
    7. His legs, feet, or toes are pointed towards you
    When a guy is interested in you, he may subconsciously point his legs, feet, or toes towards you. People tend to point their feet in the direction of where they want to go or who they are interested in.
    8. He stands tall
    When a guy likes you, he may subconsciously stand up taller, push his chest out, and tuck his stomach in to impress you and appear more masculine. If a guy is slouching and suddenly stands up taller when he sees you, this could indicate he’s subconsciously trying to impress you.
    9. He mirrors your body language
    People tend to subconsciously mirror each other’s actions when they are listening to one another intently. If a guy mimics your body language, this could be strong indication of his interest because it means he’s focused on you. Try leaning forward, touching your hair, taking a sip of your drink, or resting your chin on your hand. If a guy likes you, he might start copying your gestures without even realizing he’s doing it.
    10. He touches you
    If you notice a guy making a lot of unnecessary physical contact with you, he probably likes you. He might brush against your arm, pat you on the back, put his hands on your shoulders, touch his leg to yours, or give you a lot of hugs. The more physical contact he makes, the more obvious it is that he likes you.
    11. He raises his eyebrows
    If a guy raises his eyebrows in response to something you say or do, it could be an indication of his interest in you. On its own, this might not be enough to tell if a guy likes you, as it could just be a friendly, non-flirty facial expression, so watch out for other signs too.
    12. He grooms himself
    If a guy starts grooming himself when he sees you, he may be subconsciously trying to look good around you. If he starts fixing his hair, brushing the lint off his clothes, or straightening his tie, it could mean that he likes you.

    13. He’s nervous, awkward, or clumsy around you
    If a guy acts nervous, blushes, gets flustered, or is just awkward around you, he probably likes you. He’s most likely nervous about making a good impression.
    14. He laughs at your jokes
    If he laughs at your jokes, even when they aren’t that funny, it’s a good sign he likes you.
    15. He shows off
    If a guy tends to show off a lot around you, he probably likes you and is just trying to get your attention.
    16. After he says or does something funny, he looks at you for a reaction
    Let’s say a guy tells a joke or does something funny in a group and everyone around starts laughing. If he looks at you first to see your reaction, it’s a sign he likes you because he wants to make sure you noticed and laughed too.
    17. His behavior changes instantly
    If a guy’s behavior changes the minute he sees you, that could be a sign he likes you and is trying to impress you. If he’s in a group and he’s laughing or acting rowdy, he might instantly quiet down when he notices you. Or he might have been quiet and then suddenly gets louder and tries to become the center of attention to impress you.
    18. He treats you differently
    Watch how a guy acts around his friends or other girls. If he treats you differently, that could be a sign he likes you.
    19. He’s protective
    If a guy likes you, he may start to act protective of you. He might give you his jacket if you’re cold. Or if you are walking through a crowded place, he might position himself in front of you to push away the crowd.
    20. His friends tease him around you
    If you’re around a guy when he’s hanging out with his friends, and they know he likes you, they may tease him subtly. Watch how his friends act around you. If they turn towards him, smile at him, punch him in the arm, or smirk knowingly, they’re probably messing with him because they know he likes you.
    21. Acts annoyed or jealous when you talk to other guys
    If a guy is keeping an eye on you and looks jealous or annoyed when you’re talking to another guy, he probably likes you. He might try to look like he’s not paying attention, but he’ll keep tabs on you to see if you’re interested in the other guy. He might even sigh or walk away.
    22. Watches you while he flirts with other girls
    If a guy’s watching you while he’s flirting with another girl, he’s probably trying to get your attention and gauge your reaction to find out if you like him. Why else would he be looking at you when he’s supposed to be flirting with someone else if he didn’t like you?
    23. He hangs around one second longer
    When you’ve been talking to a guy, and he’s about to leave, but then stays one second longer than he had to, it’s a sign he likes you. That one second longer was a moment of hesitation where he was trying to decide if he should ask for your number or ask you out.
    24. He takes one last look at you
    If a guy makes eye contact with you just before leaving the room, even though he’s busy talking to someone else, he probably likes you and wanted to get one last look at you. He was probably hoping you were looking at him too so he could lock eyes with you one more time.


    So, should ziggygirl keep this list handy at all times?

    I recommend it ;)
    country bumpkin


    She can get the list tattooed on her arm or leg so she'll never be without it.

    That's a lot of reading and watching and checking, so, good idea CB! :)

    And a bloody painful tattoo.........

    There is a price to pay, when we are trying to figure out these things.
    country bumpkin


    Ha....The men are paying the price as we learn! (*~*)

    Yeah, they'll be sorry for flirting with us! lol

    Won't they CB?

    Well done, Romos. Two thumbs up. YOu should get the award for best akaQA contributor of the year !

    he wants to see you a lot. he makes eye contact with you. He goes out of his way to see you and be with you .

    Do & say completely idiotic things.If he laughs,he likes you.If he shakes his head a little & walks off mumbling something (like "what a bloody idiot") then you haven't got much of a chance.

    When he keeps turning up on your doorstep with poor excuses.

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