    Is the Obama Care in the USA the same as our National Health Service in the UK

    Having read a previous question where a lady of 84 said she has to pay $300 or more a month for health care. Would she still have to pay under Obama Care, in the Uk we pay nothing after the age of 65 for national Insurance, and even under 65 you don't pay if you are not working.

    +2  Views: 703 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    No, it's not the same as what you have in the UK. As for the woman who is 85, she can get medicare but it is bare basic coverage. They always recommend buying outside insurance because medicare in the senior years covers so very little. 


    So is Obama Care as it's called the same as medicare, or is it a completley different cover, and how do you pay for the Obama Care, I mean how doe's it differ from our NHS is it better or not.

    It's so involved sunny. Yes, medicare follows the guidelines of Obamacare. Obamacare is not insurance. It is simply the list of rules insurance companies have to follow now. The cost of medicare has gone up because there are 10 things that it must cover by law, 10 things a person could have opted out of in the past to keep their insurance down. Many of those things are not needed by seniors. Maternity and pediatric dental are two of those things but they must be covered. Working people have paid into medicare with each paycheck. But the government has taken so much from medicare to pay other things, medicare is short on money now so seniors who have spent their life paying into medicare are now being charged for it if they make a certain income. It's all so very involved and at lot of services that they are use to are now cut from medicare. It would take some time for me to research everything. Even the guy who wrote the ACA does not understand it. It's a mess and is costing people more money just to get insured.

    Thanks Colleen, that explains why so many people are against it, and against Obama as well.An expensive muddle then.

    Medicare covered all of my mom's hospitalization and surgery for a broken hip.And it covered all of the 3 months she was in a nursing home. Then she died.

    And medicare will do that if you are below a certain income.

    Wouldn't the 84 year old be eligible for Medicare?

    The NHS is OK up to a point, but for the chronically sick and elderly it is useless, and in any case it does not cover the cost of dental or optical treatment nor prescriptions for the under 60's.


    So is Medicare something you get free in the USA when you get to a certain age?
    I agree that the health services is far from perfect , but I think the idea of it is good . I know from my own experience that if you have an alderly relative in hospital you need to keep an eye on how they are being looked after, and making sure they get fed etc.

    No sunny. Medicare is not free to all people. It is actually paid for by the people.

    when we're working in the U.S. the gov takes so much out of our paycheck for medicare and for soc.sec. Then, after we're 65, we have to pay every month for medicare whether we use it or not.



    National Health Care wouldn't work in the U.S. b/c the country is wwaaayyyyy too big.It works in small countries like France.Guess we should all move there. hahahaha.

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