6 Answers
I think a person is happy when (s)he feels worthwhile, loved, and appreciated.
In addition, I feel happy when I finish a chore or complete a hobby project successfully. I am happy when I bowl a good score and my team wins. I'm happy when my bills are paid and there's something left over at the end of the month. I'm very happy when my family comes to my house. (It's not a lot of people, but it sure is nice to have them all together)
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
The choice for happiness is a personal choice. We set our selves up for emotional responses to many events occurring in our life and toy with manipulating our feelings to inspire a response from those around us as well. All those smiles and winks in the mirror we see and strategize how to elicit a comparable responce from others. Play acting and leading innuendoes to solicit a response. Happiness is the prize. But more than a prize, happiness is a choice we make for ourselves. The well dressed play may deserve respect but happiness need not be a stranger. We write our own book of rules according to you know….you! And all this time you thought your script would lead to the happiness you know is there….because you put it there to wait until that final moment of BLISS! Ah….How Delightful! and you deserve every loving moment of it as well.
The self satisfaction of your own well planned choice for happiness to come your way in the nick of time. ……Happiness is a choice you make for yourself . You can plan for it to be where ever you choose. You can choose how and why you feel happy or you can do as I do and choose to be happy and loving all the time. Because that is your choose too.
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
having time to spend with family
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Happiness is not a state of bliss. It's being able to solve problems as they come up. There are brief times of elation ......like when a guy gets his first car. Or, like when a woman gets married, or has her 1st baby. Happiness is fleeting . As Thoureau said, " Most men live lives of silent desparation " ( or was that William Wordsworth ) ?
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Sex or the possibility of sex and if you disagree you're an anomaly.
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Suggesting I have no sense of humor or enough sense to realize when someone is joking is denigrating, and in no way ambiguous.
If your answer was supposed to be a joke, maybe one of the moderators should remove it. There is nothing about the question that suggests the member was asking for jokes. I'm not going to argue this further with you, as we generally get along well enough. I found your use of the word "anomaly" NOT funny.
Don't think for a minute people aren't called out for tasteless and rude remarks. No one gets to say whatever (s)he pleases with no consequence.