6 Answers
Everyone may "look happy" to you but everyone is NOT happy. However, if your daily sadness has lasted longer than a couple of weeks, you need to tell your doctor. You may be suffering from clinical depression and need some medical help to get beyond it.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Your probably dealing with some Depression issues. Figure out what is causing you this sadness because there has to be a reason why you are feeling this way. Some people aren't necessarily happy, maybe they try and remain positive or they just cope with their own problems better than others.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Everyone else isn't happy. They're just putting on a good face. Do you have someone to talk to who is a good listener ? If not, get counseling. In the mean time......go out for walks, go to the show with friends, play with you pets, do some work around the house and yard., pray, And everytime you have a negative thought, turn it around into a positive thought.. We are here for ya.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |