    How much mark-up is there on new travil trailers

    0  Views: 416 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    That depends on the dealership. Call around, check on manufacturers' websites. 
    The car I bought in 2010 was jacked up $2000 by the dealer from whom I bought it in Fresno compared to the price had I gone to the dealer in Sacramento that had the car.  Fresno had a guy drive it to Fresno, putting nearly 200 miles on my "new" car. 

    I found the Sacramento sticker in the glove box after I got the car home, have contacted the Fresno dealer, the Hyundai website, and make note of the ripoff every time I get a survey from Hyundai. Of course, I'll never do business with the thieves in Fresno again, and will advise anyone who asks to find a different dealer. 

    As I live in an area that makes RV's I'm not sure of mark-ups! I know anyone who sells anything needs to make a profit.  I won't complain about markups as to keeping folks employed. Do your homework! Find something you like then check around for prices! Travel vehicles can be very costly.  Look til you find your bargain!

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