5 Answers
Some of the questions are so specific, one has to have specific knowledge or specific referrals to help with the answer. Sometimes I will search for an answer and learn something new. Sometimes the answer requires extensive searching. I'm looking at a question, "If it is possible to rent an air compressor in saudi arabia for percussion drilling". That's pretty specific. Am I curious enough to look for the answer? Yeah, I'm going to see if I can find out...
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
That's the good thing about the internet, us volunteers can search for an answer.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Anyhoo ... regarding my lip, I have figured out what the problem is. I will not go into anaphylaxis. I fell asleep face down on my keyboard and bit myself. My husband discovered me in the morning.
If I had bitten my lower lip it might look sexy. A puffed up, upper lip looks just dang dumb.
I have written this somewhere else on this site. I just wanted you all to know.
I just answer the questions that I like, not that I can always answer them or understand them but rather that I can at least have fun answering them correctly or perhaps as it was written. Some questions seem to suggest something unintended so I look for the unintended question to answer especially if the spelling of the question is clearly recognised by others who have answered already to expose the comedy of an awkwardly spelled term, yielding an odd derivation. I hope others see the humor in that as I do.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
it's not that they're difficult , itsmee; it's that they're so poorly worded.They leave out the main ideas,. the syntax is wrong. The grammer, punctuation and spelling it so off, you can hardly understand the question. Something they put in one word.And that's supposed to be a a question ? The adminitstration should hire someone to edit the questions, so they can be phrased and spelled properly before they are printed. I think I would be a good one for the job.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
With no harm intended, mcm, take a look at your answer. I see nearly one dozen typos. Do you really want someone barging in and editing you?
I proofread my questions and answers before posting them, and often afterwards. I'm embarrassed when a mistake gets by me and I find it days later. However, I surely do not want some nameless, faceless professor tinkering with my thoughts and words.
Our flaws make us human. Let's embrace them.
"Our flaws make us human. Let's embrace them." Bob/PKB
After committing a flaw,
pick yourself up.
Dust yourself off.
And start all over again.