    How are you going to act in your old age?


    When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
    And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
    And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
    I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
    And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
    And run my stick along the public railings
    And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
    I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
    And pick flowers in other people's gardens
    And learn to spit.

    You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
    And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
    Or only bread and pickle for a week
    And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

    But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
    And pay our rent and not swear in the street
    And set a good example for the children.
    We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

    But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
    So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
    When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
    Jenny Joseph

    +6  Views: 1336 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago
    country bumpkin

    This is nice Julie.

    I keep a copy in y wallet. What are YOU going to do or be?

    I find it interesting that if you ask a "senior person" what age they consider to be "old", they almost always give a number that is in the next decade ahead of where they are at the moment. :)

    I do like this Julie! I think I have that somewhere, Now I'm going to have to hunt it up.

    8 Answers



    LOL.... If you catch me wearing purple  it will be due to colour blindness or losing my eyesight due to old age.



    my mom loved her purple outfit, and when she was in her 70s, and healthy, she annouced " I want to be buried in this some day" She woujldn't go out without her matching rings adn earrings on ; and her lipstick and nail polish :-)
    So, I did have them dress her in it when she was laid out. She looked nice. She was 91 1/2 when she died.
    country bumpkin

    My grandmother had asked to be buried in all pink before she died. I bought her a beautiful pink dress,with matching pink lipstick but I never thought about having her nails painted too.

    A few years ago, I was asked to join the Red Hat Society. They are an internationally known group of women, who among other odd things, choose to wear purple clothing along with Red Hats. The group wasn't for me and I quit after a year. I love humor but not silliness. It's great if people "laugh at me" because I said something funny....not because I look or act like a goof. I am definitely NOT the "lampshade on my head" type of person and never have been. Now that I've gotten all serious on you, I sum it up like this.

    WHEN  (lol)  I get old, I will use this motto.  "Maturity is overrated".  (Other old people tell me that I am a youthful thinker. I think that's a good thing?)      :))



    Ducky,We have it here too, in many towns in Michigan. they have fun.they go to casinos and plays, adn out to dinner.I wear a lot of purple and hats anyway. I get a lot of compliments on my hats.

    you know what they say about people with red hats,??

    I hope to be pleasant, thankful, gracious, and loving. I'll 

    likely continue being critical, sarcastic, skeptical, and opinionated.


    "...I'll likely continue being critical, sarcastic, skeptical, and opinionated.."

    Are you SURE you're not Atheist? ;-)

    Just about myself.

    Those traits are simply too obvious.

    You mean I don't want to become pleasant, thankful, gracious, and loving? I can stay critical, sarcastic, skeptical, and opinionated! Hallelujah! a dissident since the days of my youth...I shall be the one known as...The Vigilante Gran...



    You look so sweet Lindilu,Can i have this pic,?????

    It's actually my cross dressing vigilante Uncle....grrrreat disguise tho!!! LOL

    she looks kinda like Dog-The Bounty Hunter . haha


    Is there something stuck in my teeth? LOL

    I became a distinguished person the day I choose to simply be happy with myself and life, to laugh when something funny came my way and help those who need help and can accept my help. I am a real person who invokes a sense of honesty and respect in folk who do not harbor a predisposition to disrespect me or others. I do not express pride in my accomplishments because I only do what is clearly for me to do. I serve God and that calls for serving the children of God as I am asked to. Overstepping the boundaries of my service can be fatal for me, something to avoid...I have learned the hard way too. As my body ages I see the greater potential in the years yet to come and feel great love for those who are just discovering the ways of life before them. I understand their struggles and temptations in a different path they may or may not have chosen. They do not see the fact that life favors the young with opportunities in all the ways before them and that that gift narrows with age and choices of responsibility. 

    I live now. My choices are made and those choices have completely changed the world for me and everyone, but  I may be the only person who sees it.



    and robert, that's happened since you first came on akaQA, didn't it?........ Because you've come a long way.

    My body is 68 Y.O. and when my brain is functioning well, there are memories along my life's path that go back to and include frogs in a primeval warm pond in the present day arctic. As a spiritual being I remember the creation of time and before that there is history in the accumulated comprehension of Energy Vortices that pre-date time. I have come a long way.

    We are all aliens including all life forms. This viewpoint really packs the rubbish bin with stuff we don't need in our life. We are not separate. In the unity of our collective consideration, embracing such a Grand Union of beingness reveals our similarities and differences in many interesting ways. All group considerations express freedoms and barriers in a variety of ways...I just like all of it...loving life for all it's worth.

    DDJ No, We are all from the same source ultimately and your rubbish bin too.

    Glad you put that on there, Julie. Always wanted a copy. Now, my printer doesn' t work. It never did. I'll got to the library and print this out.

      When I get old, I'm going to do what I dam well please, for once.


    I’ve carried it for 25+ years…….

    I'll be chasing the young ladies, although if I catch them, I won't be able to do anything!

    I now wear purple and had my hair dyed pink, nail polish pink. Pink onesie which frightened my husband and still flirt like mad...... bring it on.

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