When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
Jenny Joseph
8 Answers
LOL.... If you catch me wearing purple it will be due to colour blindness or losing my eyesight due to old age.
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
So, I did have them dress her in it when she was laid out. She looked nice. She was 91 1/2 when she died.
A few years ago, I was asked to join the Red Hat Society. They are an internationally known group of women, who among other odd things, choose to wear purple clothing along with Red Hats. The group wasn't for me and I quit after a year. I love humor but not silliness. It's great if people "laugh at me" because I said something funny....not because I look or act like a goof. I am definitely NOT the "lampshade on my head" type of person and never have been. Now that I've gotten all serious on you, I sum it up like this.
WHEN (lol) I get old, I will use this motto. "Maturity is overrated". (Other old people tell me that I am a youthful thinker. I think that's a good thing?) :))
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I hope to be pleasant, thankful, gracious, and loving. I'll
likely continue being critical, sarcastic, skeptical, and opinionated.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Are you SURE you're not Atheist? ;-)
I became a distinguished person the day I choose to simply be happy with myself and life, to laugh when something funny came my way and help those who need help and can accept my help. I am a real person who invokes a sense of honesty and respect in folk who do not harbor a predisposition to disrespect me or others. I do not express pride in my accomplishments because I only do what is clearly for me to do. I serve God and that calls for serving the children of God as I am asked to. Overstepping the boundaries of my service can be fatal for me, something to avoid...I have learned the hard way too. As my body ages I see the greater potential in the years yet to come and feel great love for those who are just discovering the ways of life before them. I understand their struggles and temptations in a different path they may or may not have chosen. They do not see the fact that life favors the young with opportunities in all the ways before them and that that gift narrows with age and choices of responsibility.
I live now. My choices are made and those choices have completely changed the world for me and everyone, but I may be the only person who sees it.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |