    how can i made my skin more beautiful?


    +2  Views: 1922 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers



    Follow these ten principles of optimum skin care and make your skin as beautiful as it can be.
    Having beautiful skin is not just a matter of heredity (okay, so genes do play a part). Join the gorgeously glowing set by following these simple - but often overlooked - skin care steps.
    Scrub the right way. Extremes are bad for your skin. Scrubbing too little will leave you looking dull; too much is, well, too much. Use a mild exfoliating product (avoid ingredients like almond shells, which can be rough on skin). And resist the temptation to scrub too hard: A gentle massaging is all it takes to remove dead skin cells and improve circulation.
    Seal in the good stuff. The best time to moisturise is when skin still feels damp - the moisturiser will act as a sealant and help hydrate your skin. So start a habit of moisturising every time you bathe, shower or even wash your hands.
    Use sun block - from head to toe. Many people think that basking on the beach for days on end is what causes skin cancer. In fact, the short sun exposure you get every day can also make you susceptible. Use a moisturiser that contains both UVA and UVB protection, and be sure to cover all exposed areas, including hands, forearms, face and ears.
    Pamper hands and feet. Your hands are continually exposed to sun and are one of the first areas to show environmental damage. Be sure to wash your hands with a mild cleanser like Dove Cream Bar, followed by moisturiser. To soothe dry, rough feet, slather on a rich moisturiser at bedtime and slip on a pair of socks for intense healing while you sleep.
    Plan your next trip. Before stepping on an airplane, drench your skin with moisturising products since re-circulated air tends to dry skin out. And don't forget to bring a bottle of water (or two) on the flight.
    Don't be water-resistant. While drinking water won't actually moisturise your skin, it will help your internal organs function properly, which affects your skin's health and beauty. Ditto with exercise.
    Find the fat. We're talking monosaturated fats here, which are found in nuts and olive, canola and safflower oils. It's easy to incorporate these fats (which are low in saturated fats) into your daily diet. One tablespoon of oil, a quarter cup of nuts or two tablespoons of peanut butter will do the trick.
    Water your air. Just as winter air wreaks havoc on your skin, so does your summer air conditioner. Counteract the drying effects with a humidifier, which puts water back into the air and helps your skin stay moisturized. (Well-hydrated skin looks plumper and more youthful.
    Be a sleeping beauty. Your skin reflects both your mental and physical condition, so skimping on shut-eye results in sallowness and more noticeable wrinkles. Listen to doctors, who recommend eight hours a night.
    Take a break. A high stress level is bad for your mood and your skin. Treat yourself to at least one relaxing, pampering activity per week, be it a bubble bath flanked by candles, a facial or a movie rental marathon at home.


    I like these ideas. I especially like the ideas of moisturizing every time you wash your hand and using gentle Dove for hands.
    It's a hunk of text so I'm gonna down load it and try for one new thing a day.
    country bumpkin

    Let me know how it works for you Itsmee. I've always had dry skin and I fins it's getting drier with age though I believe my thyroid condition has a lot to do with my dry skin.

    Refrain from this activity.....



    Gave it up ages ago. I didn't want to but I'm glad now.

    Spent my teenage years doing this with friends.

    Yup, meee too. Sometimes we used baby oil and white Iodine. The sun kind of puffed up the skin on my face and I looked much better. We all did.
    I shudder to think what I'd look like now.

    Same oil and iodine. lol
    country bumpkin

    I remember my aunts using baby oil and iodine. They looked like chocolate brownies.

    yeah, we all did that. Maybe that's why I now have some moles and age spots :-\
    I heard of the baby oil theory too, but it never worked for me.

    Lots and lots of water (drink it) and eat a slice of lemon every night…….


    and after the lemon, brush your pearly teef.

    don't smoke or drink. eat a balanced diet.Drinks lots of water. get 8 hours of sleep every night. Wash your face every morning and night with a gentle soap or moisturizing soap.


    did you get an announcement when you hit 200K? CB was wondering about you……...

    I met a girl who had very light impression of pink and blue hearts of different sizes all over her visible skin. The hearts were so lightly pastel colored that they were only apparent close up...and distinguishable as a pattern only then. I loved what she had done and commented on her art work. But most of those present who met her that evening didn't notice enough to comment. The light, subliminal colors with her natural skin tones and and colors are so suggestive of a deeper meaning to their presence. I have not found such art in publications but I'm sure it is out there somewhere.



    Hmmmm ..... I'm trying to get "subliminal colors" Oh, I get it!
    Were you very fond of her, Dear Robert?

    subliminal |səˈblimənl|
    (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.
    Yup, except that I was aware of what I saw...The concept suggests an extension of artistic expression in cosmetics that has not, to my knowledge, been intentionally explored for dramatic expression....since halloween is approaching maybe someone will give it a go. I only met her and her husband. The art form...unexplored for potential, is an avenue for expression henna but away from tats and subtle.
    subtle |ˈsətl|
    adjective ( subtler , subtlest )
    (esp. of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe: his language expresses rich and subtle meanings.
    • (of a mixture or effect) delicately complex and understated: subtle lighting.
    • making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something: he tried a more subtle approach.
    • capable of making fine distinctions: a subtle mind.
    • arranged in an ingenious and elaborate way.
    • archaic crafty; cunning.

    They use subliminal messages in advertising......even in movies to sell something.

    You can allow a snail or slug to crawl on your skin. This is no joke, apparently the slime is beneficial.

    One of the most damaging factors is smoking. Girls who smoke age more rapidly, and their faces show the ravages of time sooner. I have noticed that vegetarians seem to have better skin than meat eaters.

    robert:grist:I can't answer your question in the right place which is under your comment. I wonder why. Anyway, I took a difficult poetry class in a community college. The instructor had us look up almost every word. It was a marvelous class and I got a B+. I spent many hours with Dylan Thomas and Fern Hill. 

    Simply use a bit coconut oil all over your skin. this will prevent from drying and give you soft skin. you should clean your skin daily after you come home from outside. Exfoliation once a week will remove the dead skin cells and give you newer, clear  and healthier skin.

    Hope it helps! :)

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