    What is the best way to kill mice? I have one in my apartment. HELP!!

    0  Views: 1017 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Get a have a heart trap. It will live catch the mouse so you can release it outside miles away from your house. This way you do not have to poison it only to have it die in your house where it will stink. 


    Yay ! I'm against killing animals .

    Mycatsmom me too never kill anything release and set free always thanks Hun glad we are on the same page xxxx

    me too, Mel ♥ ♥

    The good old type trap will ensure that you get them, put the tiniest smear of peanut butter on the trap, set it, and when you get him, throw it away, thus you do not have to handle it.  I would reset another, to make sure that there was just one!

    Do not kill the mouse there are hamane traps on the market and do what Colleen said drive out far away and release it in a field never ever kill anything that comes into your home just remember karma what goes around comes around thank you

    Mice are sensitive to and avoid strong odors like camphor. Moth Balls in places where mice are prevalent will drive them out. First, clean your apartment to remove food and nesting sites before scatter camphor about in close spaces. I have used camphor to rid my home of mice and squirrels without having to rip out walls or ceilings to close the spaces more securely.

    Bring a cat .........


    LOG IN, No, b/c a cat will torture the poor mouse before he kills it.

    Mice are sensitive to and avoid strong odors like camphor. Moth Balls in places where mice are prevalent will drive them out. First, clean your apartment to remove food and nesting sites before scatter camphor about in close spaces. I have used camphor to rid my home of mice and squirrels without having to rip out walls or ceilings to close the spaces more securely.   

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