    Opinion Poll ! Should the USA get involved with Syria ??

    After 10 years in Iraq the situation is no better !  Afganistan another cause I love my country but time to stop policing the world !!

    +1  Views: 949 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    Kill Assad immediately , then if next leader does same, kill him. they will stop eventually . Simple as that. Now I know some people will get upset because I said kill someone. But he killed his own people-innocent women and children. Yes he did do it. He is not a man, but a monster. He must have been scared of these kids and women to kill them. Kill his wife as well. Make it a bold statement. Make these people learn a lesson that they should have something better to do in life than kill innocent women and kids.  That's all WE need to do.


    No,because then the US will insist on putting "their guy" in there,and I think we have all seen how that works out...  IT DON'T!!!



    Per James:  Shouldn’t this be considered “failure to stop and render aide”? We can’t stand by and watch woman and children (and innocent men) murdered. We can’t watch the genocide…...

    Try to work as is Russia in setting up their responsibility to adhere to the world bans and see if that works first, but do not stand by and watch, nor get in fully as in Iraq.

    NO   Its time to start taking care of our own and stop interfering with every other country just because they are having problems.  

    Is this what happened when Hitler killed the  the Jews?  Maybe! I see people not wanting to become involved!  It is a sorry state of affairs!  Is the idea of stay out of it going to work?  Very SAD !!!

    As of 9/10/13 it looks like a deal has been reached to disarm Syria's Toxic gas munitions via the UN. The US has experience with rendering these materials safe and I assume that has been responsibly shared with other countries also. So it looks like we're not going to war over this.  I pray that our differences continue to be peacefully resolved.  


    well said, Robert

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