    heart condition

    my wife has just been told she has  (atrial defibrillation) i have tried to learn what i can about it ,,but nothing beats talking to someone who has it ,,thanks for listening

    +2  Views: 1689 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    atrial Fib and high blood pressure are two different things. They don't usaully give anti-hypertensive drugs for atrial fib. They give beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, or digitalis. Digitalis slows and strenghthens the heart beat, adn makes it more regular. Atrial Fib deals with the electrical impulses in the body to start the heart and keep it beating . Atrial Fib is very common in an older person, but it a young person has it, it's something to worry about.

    But , high blood pressure is one of the many causes of atrial fib.  My guess  is that  her main  over- riding diagnoisis is very high blood pressure. I would think if she takes her anti-hypertensive pills faithfully, the atrial fib should fade in importance into the back ground.  However, if she gets a very fast pulse, it's time to call  9-11 .          


               A retired LPN.



    Below reply moved to where it goes


    terryfossil 1

    hello MCM,my wife takes(sotalol ) to regulate the bottom chamber,,and (xarelto) to hopefully stop blood clots,,her bp is usually around115 over 56,, my understanding is at the moment the doctors dont care what happens in the upper chamber as long as she is taking xarelto ,that should stop blood clots forming after an AF episode,,,,and when the top chamber is in AF,, the (sotolol) stops the bottom chamber from trying to pump at the same pace as the top chamber;;therefore protecting the bottom chamber,,,thanks for the input MCM,,but please correct me if i am wrong

    I've had it for about 8 years now, never been much of a problem, my doc gave me high BP meds to counteract it, got to take them for the rest of my life, hope it lasts a long time.

    terryfossil 1

    hi Romos,,sorry to hear about your problem,,however maybe you can give me some knowledge,,my wife ,who is called Venny,she is now on meds,,she had an episode a couple of days ago,it took about 1.30 hours for the heart flutter to stop,she could not do much during this time except worry,blood pressure 190 over 121,i do not know if she is over reacting to her condition or are there different levels to this condition,i know you are not a doctor,i just want to know what you know,and how you handle similar episodes,if you dont wish to talk about it,thats okay mate,,thanks for listening,,all the best

    My BP was far higher than Vennys' when I first had the condition, I suffered it for weeks before seeing a doc, actually I was being tested for something else when they discovered it, I had just been living normally, didn't notice much apart from the occasional dizzy spell every now and again, it's not really life threatening, lots of people I know live with it without any treatment at all but it's always best to keep a check on it because it means the top of your heart is out of sync with the rest of the heart.
    terryfossil 1

    hey romos,,you are right it is not life threatning if you are taking blood thinners,well it is less life threating than if you were not,,thanks for taking the time to reply kilt man,,,,,,

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