    Ariel Castro's death

    Kidnapper and rapist Castro hanged himself in his prison cell. This makes me wonder whether all prisoners on life sentences should be given the means to kill themselves. Obviously guns, knives, poison are out of the question, but the noose would seem to be the safest way.


    +5  Views: 868 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    I don't know what he used but I'm sure he saved the tax payers LOTS of money!  Some prisioners will not commit suicide They will do anything to avoid death except think about their deeds before the deed is done!   May he enjoy everlasting life in HELL!


    Here in Ohio it costs the taxpayer $68.43 a day to house any inmate,so if he would have hung around (no pun intended)for 40 years,he would cost us a million bucks,so yea he save us money,but I would have liked for him to get a little better taste of our tough prisons we have here in Ohio 1st.

    I got the word today on the internet. I thought, “Oh, too soon”. I don’t know if he hung himself or if someone else didn’t do it.  I wanted him to rot a little first………...


    That's what so many others said, jh. But, hopefully, he'll rot down there where they want ice water.

    It fits his profile.A weak cowardly SOB.Goodbye.Rot in hell.

    He took the easy way out. Goes to show what a weak man he was. He had a short taste of being held "captive" and could not handle it, unlike his victims that endured years of his abuse.

        Creemos que nuestra madre debería haber tenido un aborto!                          ( We think that mom should've had an abortion!) ""

    Darn...just when I was almost done....


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