This week, my youngest (23) son and I took a class in motorcycle safety. We had a 5 hour lecture/discussion class, followed by a test (I scored 49/50). Saturday and Sunday, we met at a large parking lot for the practical training (actually riding the bikes and learning different maneuvers). The driving test consisted of what would be included in a DMV test, and I passed! Not the top score in our group of 12, but right in the middle.
NOW, I can take the written test at the DMV, and get a Class M (motorcycle) license.
My question is: What kind of motorcycle would be the most practical for me. (I'm 61, and about 5'5"; my weight is none of your business). Fresno is a dry climate, and we have some nasty highways within the city and busy surface streets. I do want to ride in the countryside and into the foothills, possibly go off road, too.
Please post a photo if you can. Thanks.
Oh, one more thing....I'll be happy to accept monetary donations for my bike fund. v
14 Answers
Bob, I really like these 3 wheeler's though I know most people think they are ugly and don't see the point in riding something with 3 wheels.
When I was in my late 20's my son' father bought me a Kawasaki 250 because it was small (I'm 5 ft 4) and I was novice, just learning how to ride. This is a picture like the one I had, but I don't think it would be appropriate for you living in California and it's a little ordinary.
My ex husband was and still is an avid motorcycle rider. He participated in 3 US Iron Butt Rally's where each rider had to cross the United States in a certain amount of time and we also took several trips on his motorcycle. One trip we took was from Texas to Colorado and we also rode up Pikes Peak on his motorcycle. I actually was brave enough to get behind the wheel of it once and though it was a little heavy for me, I loved being behind the wheel. His bike was a Yamaha Virago.
11 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
That Kawasaki 250 is EXACTLY what I trained on this past weekend. It wasn't too hard to handle, though for the figure 8 u-turn "test", I drove right on out of the "box" and made a big wide "8". I lost some point for that, but did NOT have to put my foot on the pavement during the maneuver. :D
I M AN OLD BIKE ENTHUSIAST FROM WAY BACK.a NICE LITTLE LADIES BIKE IS THE NEW hONDA cbv250.It's light & gutsy & you don't have to be built like a brick outhouse to ride it.Sorry about the caps lock.It won't happen again.(maybe)
11 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Congrats Bob/PKB. Cheque's in the mail for your bike!
11 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
I road a Honda Ascot V twin. 500. Just the right size and a good fit. Allowed little lean forward, it had a rifle faring, I was so cool. All black, This isn’t it but close. CONGRATS!!!!
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Congrats Bob, take it slow, watch out for others, also for the sand. We have lots of sand left in the spring from winter ice control, and it is treacherous for bikers, like ball bearings!
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
wow! great achievement.....'fine girl ye are' happy and safe biking! very exciting (I was a biker's mole..once upon a time....ha!) thrilling but I was terrified really, anything over 20miles felt like 50.+.but my biker was so hunky........just held on tight and enjoyed the ride.!!.......take care out there x
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Congratulations Bob! You are an adventurer, for sure. No experience so I can't advise about motorcycles. Have fun and stay safe! :)
And don't forget your helmet!
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |