    What about the troubles in Syria, should we in the West get involved, or should we stay out of it.

    +3  Views: 746 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    If they really are using chemical weapons on innocent people I think it's inevitable that there will be some western involvement, it needs to be properly investigated first though.


    Yes, we don't want another Iraq, but as you say I think it's inevitable too. It's very dangerous though, with the Russian's and Chineese taking Assad's side.

    why is it inevitable for the west to get involved. When there are problems in the west, East and Middle don't get involved inevitably. it's N... O. T.... Business.

    You seem to be "business" orientated my friend?
    This is a humanitarian issue that has to be resolved one way or the other, it also seems now that Russia has stolen Obama's quick response measures,wait for the next move.

    Romos. Leave them alone. Where were the WMD in IRAQ? Was that humanitarian? Now Iraq is in a mess thanks to you know who.

    Have you checked out Somalia lately sawali, humanitarian issues are happening all over the world, India, Pakistan,all of the middle east, Western society can't stop all this but we can keep a check on it and do what we can, I'm not talking about WAR here, just trying to help.

    sawali you seem to be just anti America or anti western countries altogether. The whole world needs to stand up to these leaders that commit murder and other crimes against their own people, it doesn't have to lead to war, but the threat of using force agaist them has to be part of any deals that are the outcome.

    sunnyB I am not anti west. I am simply saying, USA had no business being in Iraq and in the process it killed thousands of people. In your eyes, is it fair?

    So sawali are you saying we should just stand back and let people like Assad kill his own people with gas and anything else he can lay his hands on

    sunnyB, you seem to think USA is mr. clean. well keep that to yourself because history says otherwise.

    sawali, I do not think America is Mr Clean as you put it, but The Uk and America have always been close allies, and as far as I am concerned we owe America alot for that.You may not understand that.

    sunnyb, in short I think going to Iraq was a humanitarian disaster and thousands were killed. No WMD!
    Also, why is it right for the west and others to own WMD ? It is not ok to point fingers at Iran and not others who do have WMD and more. So is it ok to have dble standards?

    Let Arabs kill Arabs I say ; we don't need to spill any US or British blood to sort out their problems.


    Yes the trouble is ,we have always got involved in the past, so if we get involved we will be accused of sticking our nose's in, and if we stay out we will look weak or like we don't care. We can't win now.
    But whatever the outcome Syria will still be run by people who don't have much regard for human life.

    Stay away from Syria or ANY country because no one has appointed USA to be Big Daddy!

    The kettle is calling the pot black. Who was the first to use Atom Bomb and kill thousands of people? 


    I agree with the first part of your answer, but the second part, well that was a bit different, Japan had already murdered thosands of inocent people, and this bomb bought the war to an end.

    No one has appointed the usa as world police! the United Nations is anything but united! nearly every "civilised" nation has gone through horrors such as civil war and no one else got involved, its almost like a necessary birth pang for something new (not necessarily better) to evolve, yes its very bloody horrible but us humans are a nasty lot. just look at what has happened to indigenous people all over the world once so called civilised people "discover" their country, whole nations horrendously tortured and basically wiped of the planet and its still happening. leave Syria alone except for humanitarian aid. i think "western" nations have caused enough trouble already!!""


    I agree, whatever govenment replaced these people wouldn't be any better, may be even worse.

    so, what will be achieved?
    Grit Savage

    Trying to attain the moral high would be the achievement, just because you have the biggest stick it doesn't mean you have to use it on every nation with a smaller stick. you don't see the west going for north korea, pakistan and india who definitely have wmd's and whose human rights records suck big time! no they use other methods like "diplomacy". well sort of!

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