3 Answers
Don't use foil it starts to break up after a while in the freezer. Plastic wrap is good, freezer bags are better.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |

I freeze meat on a cookie sheet. When frozen bag the meat in sealable plastic bags. Fish is best frozen in water. Frozen meat can be dipped in water and frozen to to produce a glaze of ice on the meat to prevent freezer burn. Bagging meat in plastic sealed bags helps to prevent freezer burn. Frozen vegetables in ice…like a milk carton with water and prepped veggies measured out in expected serving sizes is great.
Let me give you a tip on freezers. Many are expensive to run because their insulation is inadequate. My freezer is big enough to handle all of the meat from a large Angus cow. I installed 1 inch of styrofoam inside the freezer wherever frost did not form including the door. As a result my electric bill is significantly lower. The motor only turns on maybe once a day in summer and the temperature inside the freezer is 5 degrees F .
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |

Great tip! Thanks!