    Can you freeze meat in plastic wrap, or does it have to be in aluminum foil ?

    +2  Views: 675 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    i am not the cook,, but my wife always uses plastic freezer bags,,,hope thats helpful...........,,,,,,,,,,........

    Don't use foil it starts to break up after a while in the freezer. Plastic wrap is good, freezer bags are better.


    Thx for the info, Python. Are freezer bags kind of paper like ? or wax paper like ? I've only have a small freezer. That's why I'm clueless

    Freezer bags are the ones that you put your fresh fruit and veg in at the supermarket, Butchers use the same to put meat in. A packet of 80 freezer bags is about a $1.00, they come in small, medium and large.

    I freeze meat on a cookie sheet. When frozen bag the meat in sealable plastic bags. Fish is best frozen in water. Frozen meat can be dipped in water and frozen to to produce a glaze of ice on the meat to prevent freezer burn. Bagging meat in plastic sealed bags helps to prevent freezer burn. Frozen vegetables in ice…like a milk carton with water and prepped veggies measured out in expected serving sizes is great.

    Let me give you a tip on freezers. Many are expensive to run because their insulation is             inadequate.  My freezer is big enough to handle all of the meat from a large Angus cow. I installed 1 inch of styrofoam inside the freezer wherever frost did not form including the door. As a result my electric bill is significantly lower. The motor only turns on maybe once a day in summer and the temperature inside the freezer is 5 degrees F .       


    "Frozen meat can be dipped in water and frozen to to produce a glaze of ice on the meat to prevent freezer burn."

    Great tip! Thanks!

    Really good info, guys.Thx :-)

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