    Would you please proofread this for me?


    I have been going through major depression for about 8 years. I'm now 29 years old and almost every day I wake up feeling down and sad. The days where I can wake up and feel okay are extremely few and sparse. Most of the time I'm moody, feeling unmotivated and sad! My sad feeling can stem from no particular thoughts but it’s a feeling that I've gotten so use to. It's there all the time like a 'best friend'. I've tried to be happy but it never last. Happiness is something I cannot relate to. I've not known how it feels like to be happy. But when I'm sad, I can feel the utmost bottom pit. It's just a sad state to be in all the time. I have been jobless for 4 years, because I find it extremely difficult to concentrate on tasks, and most of the time, I'm motivated to wake up in the mornings, and hence I'm unable to keep up a working schedule. I can laze around whole day for months and years ...doing nothing but eat, watch TV, listening to sad melancholic songs, feeling empty and sleep. I feel guilt all the time because I can’t support myself. It’s really hard to survive when you have no family and unable to work, make money.

    In all honesty, I would like to be a productive member of society, but because of my medical conditions, I am unable to do simple daily tasks.

    +3  Views: 660 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    farr.eden Everyone has a different reason for their Depression. I have Attention Deficit Disorder. When I got to the right psychiatrist and took the right medicine I got well very quick. I mention this because you said you found it difficult to concentrate on tasks. It might be difficult to find the right doctor. Sometimes your family doctor can prescribe but I think you have to get the diagnosis from a Psychiatrist. Let us know how things go for you.

    8 Answers

    I know you wanted a proofread, I can't help but feel your comments. You've described me perfectly from my pre-med days. Depression can be aided by medication..  See a doctor, get on medication, don't give up the first try - These take a lot of work to make better BUT! It can get better........


    ditto for my history . I didn't get on any meds till I was 51! Suffered all those years!

    It can seem like it would be totally impossible for life situations to improve. The days go by and TIME will help with the problems. TIME, meds, and a belief that it can get better.
    At the time when I thought I couldn’t get better, I called a crisis line.
    “Will I ever feel better?” I asked the counselor
    “You will be better in time?” She said.
    “How much time?" I said.
    “As long as it takes?” She said. (I thought she sounded so nice)
    Anyway, those words helped me. for some reason. Always.
    That’s how it was for me, anyway.
    Yes, jhharlan ... It takes a lot of work to make better.

    OK, I read what you wrote, and there are several errors (in my opinion).  If you really want it corrected, let me know via comment, and I'll address what I think are the construction errors. 
    The IMPORTANT thing, though,  is what everyone here is telling you....there is help available. 
    Many of us here suffer or have suffered from depression, including me.  

    There's no permanent "cure", but diagnosis and PROPER medication can help significantly. You also REALLY need to get a routine started.   Without a job or someone depending on you to "be there",  it's too easy to fall into an emotional abyss.  

    Please, Please, Please....whatever your other medical issues are, adding depression to the mix is just making "everything" worse.  

    Make an appointment with your doctor today, and talk with (him/her) about depression, treatment, and the possibility of a referral for therapy/counseling.  Don't put it off....



    I agree with Bob. Sadness and depression is NOT the answer!

    I felt just like that 25 years ago. Down deep in the pit of my depression. I choose to work within to see if I could remedy the problem myself. The mind presents representative images of real problems and it is up to you to come up with a way to resolve the problem. It seems vast and unmanageable at first. By applying yours abilities in mind you can make changes and those small first steps allow you to advance a bit further and deal with what you see in a way that encourages your furthur active involvement. To me, all I saw within was a dry, barren desert…dimly lit and covered with sand. I could move the sand by hand but when I did all I could hear were complaints and curses from the sand in whispers.

    My desire to clear my mind and restore my own happiness lead me into an experience of self discovery and progress that has completely changed my life for the better. I know it is quite odd to do what I did but I am astonished with what has happened along the way of my inward quest for joy. All of the problems I encountered and cleared were of my own making and within there are friends as well who have worked with me to this day.

    I also went to mental health facilities and over time medications were found that helped aleviate many of my problems. But by seeking to solve this problems within as well I have the sense of being somewhat personally responsible for my present state which is comfortable and livable.



    I'm happy for you, Robert

    Mental Health facilities are great for helping you with problems you may not have recognized as a mental health problem. Even if you feel fine most of the time, there are often things irritating you may not know about. Maybe your back hurts and you can't sleep well…You just want to take a pill, of course, and other things irritate you too. A mental health check-up may point to the solution you thought was right, or to something completely different could turn out to be a life bettering result. I have been amazed, several times when problems I had, seemed unrelated to how my life was going.

    “Life can be so long and you have to be so strong.”
    You have been strong and moved yourself to a better place. Congratulations, robert. : )

    At age 29, my Depression was the very worst. Depression can hit hard when something has happened in your life to make you very unhappy, Depression can be around when there have been no incidents to cause it. The best way I knew to get somewhat over the sad was to exercise. I did a lot of exercise. 

    I’ve taken different anti-depressant medicine, I don’t know if any helped or if it was TIME that helped. But anyway, re-read jhharlan. She speaks about the different medication............I wish you the best. Write back. You’re in good company here. : ) 

    faee.eden, depression is curable with medication. See a psychiatrist.  But try to find a job - any job. That  occupation will involve meeting new people, even making friends, using your mind creatively and feel good inside.  If yo have spare time, go to a library, pick up  abook or two but also stay there and read newspaper,mags, and observe what others are doing. Get that depressed feeling out by listeng to music and take a short vacation. Do something for others - you will feel good. 

    keep well.

    To find out why you are so depressed you need to visit a psychiatrist or a counsellor. With professional help, appropriate treatment, and the right lifestyle changes, you can improve your mood and overcome your depression. Good luck. 


    Python, I don't think that'll help him. I visited those kind of docs, when I was like 18 years old. He told me, whenever you're sad. Have a laugh, you can't have problems everyday. Stress isn't a good thing. Heck my doc was better than others recommending me needles or pills...never trust a man giving you drugs D:

    Far Eden........Go to your Dr.and have him / her reccomend a good psychiatrist. And have the psyc get you on the right meds, and at the same time, have the psych  send you to a good talk an adjunct to psychiatric treatment. ......because psychiatrists don't do much talk therapy anymore. They talk to you for a few minutes, then put you on pills for depression and anxiety .....b/c those two conditions go hand in hand.

    Wow, that's really deep. I'm 10 years younger than you. So you have taught me some stuff :)
    But I do also feel that depression. At the age of 16, tried getting jobs, failed my exams, and failed my driving license like 5 times xD
    But you know what I do? I don't cry or listen to depressing music, I keep on living. You're still young! Have a laugh or two, don't take medication...that does not help at all! It will kill you instead, the only way to to...i don't know how to explain it...i watch family tv shows like funniest home videos :)
    Seeing people getting hurt instead of me, was kind of physiological but I laughed :D
    Find a book, drink something sweet, go outside, go to the gym. THERE ARE SO MANY SOLUTIONS YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE! Embarress yourself! Act like your inner child, I'm a university student and i act like a child? Why? Because I enjoy life!

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