    who can i marry

    0  Views: 832 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Why the rush? Being secure with yourself, alone, is a  joy. Something no one else can do for  you.....

    Here in the states, anyone not related closer than first cousin.  Apparently not all states enforce this law, especially down south?


    In Pakistan most marriages are cousin/cousin or at least 2nd cousin/2nd cousin. This is also found in the British Royal Family where Queen Eliz and the Duke of Ed are second cousins.

    you should look for someone with a similar family background to yours. And look for someone that's  always had both a mother and a father in the home while they growing up. That means they've had a good model of a good , stable marrige,( I hope )  with which to begin a marriage with you.


    So, if he's honest, hardworking, owns his own business, has a home (in a great neighborhood) that's almost paid for, has never been married nor had children, does community service, helps those in need, has a fantastic personality, is highly intelligent and well-read BUT...was raised by a single parent....HE'S OUT??!!

    I will marry the one I love and care for


    Love don't pay the rent

    Most everything I build from recycled materials. my bird cage top is an 8 foot (Diameter) Satellite dish to be supported on top of 8 − 10 foot long galvanized pipes. The greenhouse is wood framed, painted white and 4’ x 8’ recycled double pane glass doors. most of these are recycled when the seals break down. I fill the space between the glass with clear epoxy foam under a little pressure and mixed to produce fairly large bubbles. It takes time and practice to get it right due to all of the variables involved, but worth it…and not too expensive. The plants won’t complain about the lack of  picture perfect clarity.     

    I think there are no restrictions any more in the USA. I am not sure if multiple wives or husbands are allowed, or if common law marriage still works. Your spouse may not have to be human…I wonder. Actually multiple marriage to dead people still practiced in the Catholic church. Gotta admit that is quite strange.  


    Polygamy is out since the Mormon church abolished it. Common law in many states (if not all) is still in. Yes, you can only marry a human as animals can not give consent as they can not speak nor can they ever rationally understand what marriage is. Marriage to dead people is the same, a dead person can not give consent. Now if you mean the Catholic practice of communion by girls and becoming brides for Jesus or God or whatever, even that is not recognized by the government as a civil marriage. I hope I've been able to enlighten you some my friend, lol ;)

    How's it going Robert?

    Great, Love. The weather finally warmed here and there are 30 birds nesting in the trees of my yard. a Pair of Ravens are nesting in a tree that hangs over the property line. I have the materials for a large outdoor bird house and green house to build this summer.
    Per your response…so I can’t legally marry a crazy blind deff mute. How sad.:< Well there still you dear;-) <3<3<3

    I'm sad that I can not have nesting birds. I have inconsiderate neighbors who let their cats roam and they kill the baby birds. You have your work cut out for you. Sounds like you will be busy for a little bit. Are you building the greenhouse from scratch or a kit?

    The lady that lives down our street, she's a menace to society, but rich and single maybe you should take her off our hands..........

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