    Whats your opinion about Paula Dean so called racial remarks ?

    The n word is used by far more blacks these days than whites - hispanics .  She used the word describing a black man that put a gun to her head during a bank robbery while she worked at a bank. Is that worth losing a career ? No . My guess she will make a huge comeback.  The people that cry discrimination probably are not the type to watch foodnetwork channel anyway.  I just don't understand the new young black culture these days. If they cry about it being so bad , why is it used so often by them describing themselves and other blacks ? Cant they find a better word to describe themselves than the n word ? Paula Deen owes nobody an apology !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Makes me want to go out and buy a cookbook.. A black preacher can say GD America and nothing happens.

    +4  Views: 941 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: paula dean

    It seemed to be ok for Charles Barkley to publicly say," I hate white people "

    Anyone can slam Christians and nothing happens!

    7 Answers

    What she said was no different from what I've heard from others.  I always cringe when I hear the "N" word but what can I do but express myself? She didn't deserve to be fired, she's just in the spotlight...........


    I don’t know much about Martha Stewart’s problem. I guess she did some insider trading and made a whole lot of money and she got caught and went to jail. That didn’t hurt her one bit. I don’t think her fans even think of that. I’m NOT a fan and I didn’t think of it till now.

    Her style of cooking is fat, sugar, salt and more fat, so I'm not a fan of hers at all. However, she talks like a lot of blacks that I've heard who call EACH OTHER the "n" word. If any group of people is looking to be respected, they need to start from the inside of their group and work their way out! Why be insulted if anyone refers to you in the same language that you, yourself, seem quite proud to use. If I don't want to be called "stupid", I would never call myself "stupid" in a conversation. Raise the bar and earn respect!!


    This is such a good answer. I haven’t heard it before.

    Thank you.

    This will probably be deleted, suspended, warned, but it sounds like Paula called a spade a spade.  There are disparaging names for every ethnicity, and when you are referring to a gun-toting, law-breaking bank robber, I don't care WHAT you call him ethnically.  Her mistake, of course, was talking about it in the first place. 
    As an Armenian, I hear all kinds of nasty comments about my ethnicity, and have even been told that legislation was introduced a long time ago to have Armenians declared NOT Caucasian. It didn't pass, but the "stigma" remained.  Wonder what race we would have been?  What would our disparaging name have been?  
    Ask me if I care.   People should be "evaluated" on an individual basis, not en masse.  


    PKB, We loved our Armenian/ American dentist. I've know many Armenians, and have found them to be wonderful, quiet, gentle people....who highly value education for them and for their children.And they're good-looking !!

    I'm neither a redneck or a racist but i think that the old adage applies here. "Stick and stones make break my bones but names will never hurt me.." Personally I think its hypocritical when the worst of the racists are those that complain about everyone else being racist. It's not hard to see this.  Blacks use the N word constantly, they also use anti white smears as well.  Some will see my remark as a racist remark but that is because you are conditioned to think that.  This is your problem because you are also a hypocrite.  Because this woman specializes in southern cooking, this automatically ranks her as 'redneck' and apparently this is ok to call her a redneck.. WHAT GIVES HERE??  do you see how hypocritical this is??  Why is it ok to stereotype one person but not another? What gives the right to say-- She's a REDNeck for saying the N word. Isn't the term 'redneck' a slander? A racist remark??  Of course it is... But this is fine, whites can take it.   This crap needs to go away. The food channel IMO is wrong, they are pandering to the hypocrites which makes them equally at fault.  Get over this being offended by what we are, I am a dago, so what???  I am white-trash, a honky, a Cracker, A tea-bagger, etc.. These names and others pinpointing whites are perfectly ok for the media-- Think not? Listen to MSNBC for a half hour, I guarantee you will hear at least one of these slurs. Especially when listening to Al Sharpton.  The biggest racist on TV today, and he has his own show elevating racism.  But that's ok... (BS!)


    No, her bother's name "Bubba" helps to rank them as rednecks. It's also where the family resides. Georgia is well known to have rednecks and racists. It's deeply embedded in that state. Redneck is descriptive and a badge of honor for those who live the lifestyle of being a redneck.

    Yes and apparently many blacks also think of the N word as a badge of honor since they address each other using it. Funny though, I see reality TV about 'bubba's' lifestyle, Honey Boobo, Hillbilly Handfishin','Duck Dynasty, Swamp People' etc.. Why the total fascination with laughing at southern people doing what they like? It's their lyfestyle but the leftist media found that they could exploit these people. Being that I married a southerner, she doesn't watch these because like many, they are offended. Where's the black reality shows? Once again, I am far from racist but if a fact is pointed out, we are automatically branded as a racist. It's not even an opinion, its facts! The media is hypocritical and liberals will play the race card against any white, especially if a southern white. Are there white racist in the south?? You betcha!! Are there black racist nationwide?? You betcha!!

    They make a point of getting people to notice their lifestyle. I have them on Facebook and they talk a lot about being a redneck, tell the redneck jokes, post redneck pictures with redneck comments added to them. Just like blacks draw attention to themselves with their own sometimes outlandish behavior. As for their use of the N word, from what I read a while ago, it was to take away the sting of the white people using it against them. The media reported the news but the Cooking Network fired her. Who's really at fault for this one?

    'it was to take away the sting of the white people using it against them.' I don't buy that. It's in their culture. And I agree, some southerners love to poke at themselves! i see it on FB too! 'I can call my brother an idiot but if you do, I will defend him..'

    People will be people, when the g'ment/media pushes how we talk, when we eat, what we wear and what we carry our groceries in, plus what we call each other etc, its like we are all employees of the system. as for Paula Deen dismissal?? If this was a liberal talk show hoast, I will guarantee you that it would have been overlooked. It's a leftist attack on the right, its politics as usual. I think she apologized, and that's it. dismissing her? I think this will hurt the food network as she was a very prominent figure to their income. As I am trained, I must accept her as I must accept everyone else's traits. It's the law.. Unless you happen to be a redneck a redneck then your traits are offensive to everyone. Including what you eat.

    I don't agree with your last sentence. I think many people find rednecks endearing in spite of their ways and uses of racial slurs. Hence the reason redneck shows are so popular with the masses.

    As for your disagreement, all I can say is ask some black people. I've asked and that was the answer I got.

    Reality TV is almost as scripted as a sitcom. The characters in reality television are exaggerated, which makes them amusing, appalling, likable, lovable, detestable. Much of it is an act, and the fact so many fall for it as being "typical" gives credit to the acting.
    I have never in my six decades plus met a person who comes close to the cartoonish people who monopolize our reality television shows.

    You need to meet some of the people on Facebook.

    No, thanks. :D

    She’ll make lots of money off this...a new cook book, a cook book for diabetics, more public appearances. The people who like her work will stand by her and support her. The people who don’t like her buttery recipes will just go on their way same as usual. She’ll just make more $$. I am not a fan.

    Paula said that was some time ago. And our society is more educated now in those racial matters.She doesn't talk like that now. And as one blogger here said, They ( black people ) called eachother by the N word. When Joe, and I went to our friends---- a black couples house in Detroit ( and they came to our house too ) - - - -our friend, pointed to his trashy next door neighbors and said to Joe " They're just ni----ers "    When  a black man here in my town had his daugher marry a white man, he said, " Well, he better learn to talk ni----er ! "  It's just a colloquiloism in some parts. This town is a lower income area. No, I'm not condoning it, but you have to look at the whole picture. I don't think they should crucify Paula Dean anymore than they should any other average man or woman on the street. She said she doesn't talk like that anymore,!


    And it didn't ruin her ability to cook or entertain

    I think she got a big "black eye" pea from this. Not only did she make remarks, but I heard about her wanting to throw a big party, where the servers were to be dressed as slaves. I also heard that she's worth $17 million.


    Are you sure about "the party"? That couldn't just be the rumor mill grinding away, could it? Seems a little far fetched.

    No, I'm not sure. I heard it on T.V.

    Where? "Celebrity Gossip in America"? (I just made that

    I heard the same information from NBC news. She also admitted in an interview that she had often used the N word in front of her black staff at the restaurant that she shares with her brother Bubba. I do believe she and her family are racist. Some people, especially rednecks from the deep south, can not just erase a life long behavior. Sometimes money makes that behavior worse.

    It's where they live and they are proud to be racist. Not saying everyone in the south is. I'm not going to pretend for the sake of those living in the south that there aren't an abundance of racist people living there. Even they know it.

    Clonge, I read the same thing - don’t know where.

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