    I dont know how to fix my 2006 chevy aveo, this thing is haunted!replaced ignition, no change. had to unplug red fuse to get it out of park, now lights come on when car started and driven, and radio wont work...took it to chevy dealer, they didnt know what to do..surely someone has had these problems????? or should I just drive it off a clift??!!!

    0  Views: 522 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    If I had these problems and the Chevy dealer (I'm a assuming your mean a Chevy garage where a qualified mechanic looked at it) could not figure out what the problem is, I would send it over a cliff too. Or I might try another mechanic.This sounds like a wiring problem. Could be one wire, which will take a lot of money to trace as it is very time consuming,  or it could just be the wiring harness involving the lights. Depending on the year and body condition, this car many not be worth fixing. 

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