    Someone Please Pray For Me Or Send Good Energy My Way.

    My husband was drugged, attacked, and robbed last night. They emptied our bank account. Rent and everything gone. Pray for us.

    0  Views: 796 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: bad people

    7 Answers

    lord god jesus my savior and yours as well is still soverign, perhaps not what you want to hear right now, but yes my prayers as well as my church will be praying for you. easy for me to say at least you still got each other, but thats whats important right now. perhaps the police can do some justice. either way you can fell good knowing that your not an evil person. they can steal every thing but they cant steal your soul .. truely my thoughts and prayers are with you...daren
    Sorry to hear this, will put you on my prayer list.
    Headless Man

    Pray you are both OK now.
    you are on my list
    wow, hope you guys are okay. Sorry also to hear that. I hope they'll catch those bast*** and turn their life around. i hope you have friends or relatives who can help you with money until you guys stable yourselves. i'll try my best in praying for you :)
    My thoughts are with you both Jess. I'm sorry you've had to suffer this. (((hugs)))

    Colleen you are wonderful!
    You are really dealing with a lot... Take care of your man.. God will work out the rest.
    OMG, I will, but where in the world do you live? I wish you a best luck for the future!

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