    I suddenly have a hot feeling creep through my body leaving me with an extremely depressed awful feeling. I emphasize awful Please answer 2 questions. Have you heard of it and what is it?

    I do not un derstand the depressed and doomed feeling I have

    +1  Views: 991 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago



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    7 Answers

    It could have been a hot flash , which can attack either sex. Possibly a burst of anxiety, or a gush of hormone.

    I have not had this experience, but do get an excruciating pain that starts in my upper back and radiates through both arms down to my wrists. Doc could not figure it out, but I am convinced it is a spasm. Leaves me weak, exhausted, depressed (more than usual), and feeling like I got hit by a bat.

    If it happens again, get it checked. I hope you feel better soon.

    You didn't mention what sex you are or your age. Both influence these feelings. Off hand, I would go with menopause.......

    You are on akaQA a general question and answer forum. Are you trying to get on Web MD? I believe there are doctors there

    My guess, could be blood pressure related. You did not say if you are male or female or what age you are. If you are a mature female, could be menopause creeping in. Best suggestion I can give you, schedule a check up with your doctor.

    Go to your doctor and ask, if you don't have one get one, where not getting any younger.

    you should have mentioned age and sex. if you are female in mid ages you might be experiencing health issues of menopause. Otherwise, you are stressing too much that increased your anxiety. Even climate changes could be affecting your moods. You should consult your doctor for reducing depression.

    Hope it helps!

    Is somebody trying to make you feel smaller, that you are not good enough, that you are actually nothing?...He or she is in bad mood all the time or pretending to be nice but you know there is some sort of danger with this person, and he or she gets a bit more glad for a little while if she manages to get you sad or feel stupid, and he gets sad when he does not manage to do it. This is a suppressive person and he or she is a nutcase/have bats in the belfry, and is extremely cowardly and not afraid of others but actually terrified. People in his surroundings are weak, not succeeding, don't dare speak up or be themselves and when he is not there people suddenly are in better mood and do better. People fail, do mistakes and become a trouble for others when connected to such a person and can roller coaster in mood or get depressed. My tip is: spot who is like this in your vicinity - especially family or work. They can be hard to find because people go blind to them and think it someone else who is just making trouble because they are connected to such a person and not felling well because of it. He is the source of all the trouble. He creates trouble and make people weak and he acts like a parasite. He never helps or gives you what you want and only gives you what you don't want and he takes your energy and money too if he can. He makes bad things to others all the time, 24h a day. He lies. He will never tell the truth, like a venom or a snake. So, spot him - when did you first start to feel like this? Who was there then? Then my second advice, eat natural foods and wholesome additional nutritional supplements and herbal medicine. Never complain to a doctor about sadness or depression. He might not know what he is doing and send you to a psychiatrist, and then you are likely to be done for. If he puts you on psych drugs, you might never get out of it because they will force you to continue, and you will just get worse with their so called 'medicine' which is actually harmful drugs, worse than street drugs and can make you go psychotic and drugged. Get some herbal formulas and herbal teas and natural fats, not adulterated oils or margarine. That is the worst you can eat, together with chemicals such as taste enhancer E602 and sweeteners. Then disconnect from this person and tell him what you have discovered about him and he will wince - he will get so afraid, you don't believe it is true until you see it. Read this several times and carefully. It is good technology. Thank you - Eternity

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