    I have an anoxic brain injury from being dead for well over 20 minutes. would hyperbaric chamber visits help me at all?

    I had a heart atack in my client's home and one of my employees found me there in the basement  blue, cold and dead. They called 9-11 and once the paramedics showed up, it took them another 18 minutes to give me a heart beat.                                                                                               The medical doctors call my case anomoly meaning no reason to be here lol. Myself, my son in law the pastor and a doctor in the congregation as well as others call my new chance at life  a miracle.      I want to give myself the best chances I can since i'm only 51. Based on the fact that I only have 30% of my heart left, I can't smell, can't taste, I barely speak from throat damage during my recessutation  and the fact that it took me over a year to know who my children and their spouses are, I want to make certain that it doesn't worsen anything I have already regained as much as I could. My short term memory is not good and long term ie, old friends and stuff are no longer people I know at all. Just so you know, I do not feel restricted what so ever as i am writing this on my own and I feel very bessed for what I have left to work with.                                                                                                            I am asking this to see if anyone has concrete information. One of my close friends (and yes we laugh at the fact that I don't have a clue who they are lol) they own one of these hyperbaric chambers and have free access to it as often and as much as I want to use it but I really want to make sure that no harm or negative effect could ever come from it. I would love to help them boost their buisness if I can by proving the actual benefits it would have on me if indeed it would benifit me. I am very blessed to be here so in no way would I risk what I have already going to just see if this would help without knowing if there are setbacks.                                                                    As I said, it took me over a year to learn who my kids are and that, at no cost would I be willing to gamble what I am now rebuilding with them to see if I could gain something that I don't miss at this point since i do not know what i am missing lol. 

    0  Views: 966 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    I'm with a professional...and brush up on some excellent brain info...books by Dr. Daniel Amen and his breakthrough work with healing damaged well as the amazing research and nutritional healing for the brain by Dr. Mark Hyman...Both of these men have crucial methodology for healing the brain ! Good luck and Peace.

    You could try hyperbaric oxygen as a means to reoxgenize you body......altho it might be a little after the fact. It's my impression that hyperbaric oxygen treatment  is  a pressurized form of  O 2  that inundates  your every cell and pore with oxygen . Try it. It couldn't  hurt.  And don't let people tell that that brain cells can't rejuvinate themselves, b/c they can ! some extent.

    If you post your question on you will be able to link with other people who have tried Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy.

    This is a general question and answer forum. The people here are all volunteers most of which have no medical background or medical specialties. This is more than we can answer. You have to stay with the medical professionals that you have been seeing and have them check into this idea. Good luck to you. 


    thank you

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