    Opinions on this electric guitar package?

    I really want an electric guitar for my birthday, so I have all 3 types of guitar and can play a variety of music. My mum said to look for one around £100, and I found this package online which includes the exact type of guitar I want, a 15 watt amp and loads of accessories! It looks perfect but I don't know if it will be low quality as its cheap. It is £109 reduced from £150. 

    If anyone has any experience with electric guitars, could you please tell me if this package looks good, if a 15 watt amp is good (don't even know what that means), and just any other information on electric guitars. 

    Also, if anyone recommends any good cheap red and white electric guitars then don't hesitate to send me a link! Thanks :)

    Here is the link to the package:



    0  Views: 651 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Looks great if you are a beginner, I would go for it.

    Perfect for starters.

    Olivia :)

    Thanks. Do you have any experience with electric guitars? :)

    Yes, but I'm primarily an ex-drummer, go for this deal, it looks good to me.

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