    what is the anime series where their is oshicobi and they have to kiss their partner to spread their wings and become stronger and at the end of the sries they are locked in a city and they have to fight till the last one

    not oshicobi its shinobi

      and look at comments they might help

    0  Views: 1251 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: anime
    Jesse rey vasquez

    m in the beggining a girl fell of a building runnng from the thunder twns and she lands on someone and say I new that building was to high to jump off of

    Jesse rey vasquez

    And they all have numbers the girl with the main character was #8 until the end when she turns into #88 she was fate or somthing

    Jesse rey vasquez

    Its on netflix or it was I'm not sure but if not it use to be on netflix

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