    Risperidone not taken in 2 days?

    forgot my pills, should I go home to get them?


    0  Views: 559 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Sometimes, you can go to a pharmacy, wherever you are visiting, explain the situation and they will call your home pharmacy. They may then provide your son, with one or two of the required pills.


    wonderful suggestions, thanks

    You're welcome.

    In a word, YES!


    Karma: 0

    thanks, my son has been on it over a year but now went away for 2 days and forgot his pills. He will miss his evening for 2 times and a morning doze for 2 times. Should I have him return earlier- he is 39 so should have remembered?

    If you miss a dose in the initial treatment period, take it as soon as possible instead of your next dose and then take the remaining doses in the order described above. Then continue at whatever dose your doctor has prescribed for you.If you miss a tablet after the first few days, do not take the missed dose but take your next dose as usual and continue your course.

    If you are not sure what to do, ask your doctor or Pharmacist

    thanks, my son has been on it over a year but now went away for 2 days and forgot his pills.  He will miss his evening for 2 times and a morning doze for 2 times. Should I have him return earlier- he is 39 so should have remembered? 


    He should start taking his normal dose asap, don't try to make up the difference.

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