1 Answer
Things You'll Need
iDVD software
DVD-R disc(s)
Launch the iDVD application.
Click the "Create a New Project" button.
Type in a name for your DVD project file. Choose your save location and aspect ratio. Choose Standard if you plan to play your DVD on an older television, or use Widescreen if you are using a newer HD television. Click the "Create" button.
Double-click an image to choose your menu theme from the list on the right. Be sure to choose a theme that has the same aspect ratio as the one you chose in Step 3.
Double-click the name of the theme in the main window and type in a name for your DVD. Drag your video file(s) over to the window to add them.
Click the "Burn this iDVD Project to a disc" pinwheel button at the bottom of the screen. Insert a blank DVD-R, click "Burn" and iDVD will burn your DVD-R and eject it when finished.
Read more: How to Burn Movies Onto DVD With a Mac | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5098738_burn-movies-onto-dvd-mac.html#ixzz2Oc32fVIw
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |