    I have a bluefaced amazon parrot that we have had for about a year, he is about 8 years old. He does not like females and lunges at me everytime I go near the cage. I have tried several different things and nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?

    0  Views: 818 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    A year is a bit too late to try and do something. He's a year into his aggression with you. You've already let him know he's boss. He's not going to change now. Are you the one who feeds and waters him every day? If not, start doing that. Wear gloves if you must. If you wear perfume, try not to have it on when you're feeding him. He might be reacting to how you smell. A lot of animals do not like the smell of perfume. 


    I have tried doing the feeding, not wearing the perfume. Gloves are something that freaks him out more. My husband can pet him but as soon as he puts on gloves he cant. He has bit my husband because I was touching him. I have tried feeding him treats and he will take the treats from me but thats as far as it goes. And its not just me that he does this with, its all females. I was told that his first owner, which was a female, abused him. I talk to him everyday and dont show him that I am afraid of him. I keep my hand close to the cage when I am talking to him. Not sure what else to try.

    That's about all you can try. He has partnered up with your husband. Birds can be one owner pets for the most part. He prefers your husband and after a year, I don't think he will warm up to you. Sorry. I have years of experience with birds. I have 16 birds right now and I can tell you, they all know who they like.
    Keep on de-sensitizing him to you by offering him a treat by hand; altho' he might try to bite you-- - at first. Try to offer the piece of fruit ,or whatever, so that he's nibbling on it before he decides to bite. Keep on doing that until he gets used to you. Then let him out and while he's sitting on his perch.....approach him many times throughout the course of the next weeks, by hand feeding him a treat. Finally, he will associate you with some goodies and good feelings, instead of a threat. Maybe he used to be owned by a bunch of kids(epecially girls ) that were tormenting him. I know that parakeets like men better than women. So, maybe parrots do too.

    I did the treat thing for 3 months straight, everyday.  I was the only one to give him the treats.  When I give him treats I would break them up small so that his beak would have to touch my fingers in order to get the treat.  He would take the treat fine without trying to bite but thats the only time he would.  After 3 months of doing this he still was the same way.  I go up to his cage everyday and talk to him, tell him hes a good boy if he just sits there and tell him no when he lunges.  I try holding my hand close to the cage without moving fast to show I'm not going to hurt him.  This last a while but now he reaches through the cage with his claw to grab my finger to pull it in and bite me.  So these things havent worked. 


    It seems like his last owners treatment of him has soured his attitude about women for life, Colleens advice was about the best you'll get, maybe have a word with the vet for some helpful hints.

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