    Each "Thumbs Down" on someone else's question yields -10 points.

    -1  Views: 615 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    The loss of points is there to keep people from giving a thumbs down for no reason. If you give someone a thumbs down, it should be done for good reason because you will loss 10 points when you give it. You do not have to give a thumbs down to something you find offensive if you do not want to lose the points. You can use the "report" abuse link instead.
    Deleted User

    I have no votes left but I can TD? What's that about?

    Thumbs down have always existed. You have TD's left because you didn't use them up. I vote up people daily but still have TU's left for the day. I do not vote up every single answer no matter what is posted though. I TU the best answer for the question. I noted that you got 3 TU's for an answer with a link that does not work so it didn't answer the question. I believe this is the point the admin are trying to make. The point of the karma system is to vote up the best answer for a question not and just vote up anything. Now I can believe one TD was a mistake but you gave one to me and Python that I know of. No more TDs.
    Deleted User

    I gave it to you to show you . That I had no votes and could TD ? I have TD accidentally in the past and have been able to fix the vote. I can fix pythons? Have there been technical changes?
    Deleted User

    And all my links work here so it maybe a country code thing...

    Just click the TD again to remove it. Showing me that you have no TUs left that way was redundant since you already told me you were out of TUs. I do not know if there have been technical changes. They do not tell me everything they do.

    Both Python and I tried the link, it went to a 404. She is in Australia too.
    Deleted User

    Where's the link ? What post was it?

    It was removed as it did not work and it was the only answer to the question. This moved the question back to the unanswered page so it could be answered again. It was the one about wedding dresses in Australia.
    Deleted User

    That question was up 3 times so the links I provided didnt work? It was in the uk

    I only saw the one question and the link went to a 404 page for both me and Python.
    Deleted User

    Check the others then because I used the same link the question was asked 3 times..

    3 Answers

    I do not think this is necessary or appropriate. It will have no bearing on my TD actions.

    Now, can someone explain who the he77 YOU are jumping in here with the announcement, and a karma score of zero. 

    Deleted User

    Is it someone whom is banned?

    Who knows, wonderdyke. This is supposed to be relaxing for me and now people are fighting, the voting is all f'd up, you get punished for TD, which no one does indiscriminately. Then, there are "new" faces who just know a little too much for brand new members.
    Look at all the TU on this "question" and tell me the admin has a grip on this site.
    I do not care one twit about most of the crxp going on, but THIS is even worse than the vote reduction. I never spent hours voting up one person,and I really feel like we are being punished. I can find a ton of stuff to do that has nothing to do with akaQA.
    Deleted User

    Strange . Wow TU indeed lol

    The person is from Asia and I believe was asking about the -10 points for a TD. What is the problem? We've had many people come here and ask about the karma system or what the thumbs up and down are for.
    Continent: Asia (AS)
    Country: United Arab Emirates
    There are no admin in that country.

    Was not "asked", was stated as fact.
    I don't have much access to personal stuff and did not look at this profile.
    With all the hoopla., I gotta wonder about everything.
    .....ESPECIALLY all the TU on the question.

    It looks like a copy/paste from the FAQs page. Could be just a kid or someone who speaks little English. I could only assume they were asking about the -10.

    I find this all confusing, maybe as a fairly new member I am missing something but I have seen conversations which look like arguments about the points here ( and cannot see how having more or less points gives any gain or benfit?), I had presumed that thumbs up was for a correct/helpful answer and that Thumbs down would be for just the opposite. I read comments referring to 'rules' that I cannot find on this site????

    Thumbs Down are reserved for vulgar or inappropriate questions or comments such as racist remarks or remarks that are hurtful to any member or user of this site. They are not to be used just because you do not agree with someone's opinion. Opinions are allowed here under the member voted freedom of speech within reasonable boundaries rule.


    Rules is rules huh?

    I guess so.I don't make the rules here, I just try and follow them.

    All been broke recently. :-(
    Deleted User

    What's stupid is I just accidentally bumped the TD then I had no votes but I could TD? I can't fix it either sorry python I won't allow me to reverse it

    Its all so confusing like Frank Sinartra ,once said,especially with the thumbs up,out of thin air,????????

    Indeed Dennis!

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