    Do you think they should quit putting In God we trust on coins?

    +2  Views: 719 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers




    Agreed. Like my name?

    You know him by his other name; eggbert

    No. It's a good motto."In God we Trust"."Everybody else pays cash".

    Non-believers pay taxes too, don't they ?

    No--  And non believers can make their own money, leave ours alone!!


    Do you mean it's ok for guys like me to counterfeit money legally ?
    I'm off to Best Buy to get me a fancy schmancy printer ! Hallelujia !!!!! PTL

    YEAH!! Go ahead!! :)


    Yes. What does a deity have to do with money? I don't understand the reasoning behind this idea.


    Great point. Isn't money "beneath" God ?

    i am not american,,,but who would you like to trust in...he seems to have done alright for you guys so far,,have a look at india,or other countrys of other beliefs....


    Until we got Obama. We are fast becoming no better than the rest of "those countries". We shall soon be welcoming the brotherhood and the UN (who shall crrate out new laws) and clicking our heels together and proclaiming Heil Obama! Or we will have a revolution and take back OUR White House.
    terryfossil 1

    i dont know if this is how i comment on what you said colleen,,,,,however i know what you mean,for people like myself in the 60s, the world has changed,in aussie ,the aussie way of life is changeing,,people from the european world are very similar to us. but people from asian or eastern world are not like us..they might like our way of life,,but they can never understand it..the history of our country is what makes us what we matter how much people from very differnt cultures want to make this place thier home,,they will always want to change it to their old way,that is only natural for them,,,please do not see this as racisim, but rather as me losing my culture and country

    We have the same issue here. And no, I do not see it as racism. If anyone wants to hold onto their roots that badly that they expect a nation to change just for them, then they can go back home to where everyone lives like that already.

    No, why change it, the majority of our populace want it as it is.  Leave it alone.  There have been non-christians in our society before, they lived their lives and blended, without expectations of changing the majority for their beliefs.  Why should we cave in for a small group, what will be next?


    I see "In God We Trust" as an all inclusive slogan. We are a country that accepts all religions and all Gods. Why can't it mean who ever your particular God is? When I see, In God We Trust, I think of the creator, I do not think of Jesus. Why must Christians attempt to OWN everything? ;)

    The question centers on the use of "in God we trust" on legal tender coins. It doesn't ask whether the Christian religion should be done away with in America.

    Yes I do, it wasn't the official motto of the U. S. until 1956 and was put on paper money in 1957 , just like under god wasn't in the pledge of allegiance until the mid fifties. Depending on which polls you read atheist and agonstics are approaching 15% and climbing but uslually don't get respect for being free thinkers. We are a secular nation comprised of a majority of religous people, but religion has been on the decline as technology and knowledge has increased filling the gaps that religion once occupied. One of the reasons that the founding fathers created a secular nation was that religion by its nature is divisive and exclusive. Mine is better than yours or my belief is right, but you can think what you like. This is indisputable. All you have to do is pick up a daily see it.


    Can I point this out? "I'm a republican, my party is better than yours", "I'm a Democrat, my party is better than yours", "I'm an Independent, I'm better than both". And now the Tea Party, the party everyone loves to hate.....Not much different than if we were to have different religions vying for top spot in the White House. I do agree with your answer though. To me, the motto is hypocritical at best. Not many ever really trust God. If they did, there would be no such thing as prayer. Prayer is simply a way of directing God because one does not trust that He is truly in control of everything and knows what needs to be done during every nano second of time.

    You're absolutely right. The only difference with religion,as far as I can tell, is that it's supposed to bring people together, but usually doesn't.

    Well, religion belongs to the God of this world. That's why it is controlling, manipulative, demanding and insensitive. Explains why it's all about division.

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