6 Answers
Hi jaccie
If you can stay off drugs for ten years you know you don't need them... nobody does.
What I am picking up is depression, which could well be caused by the fear of using again.
That can be treated. Go and see a doctor. Nobody is going to critise, knowing how well you did,
For the record, I don't normally answer drug-related questions because I have no time for the people who take them.
There's something more going on here.
Take care... and do as you're told :-)
If you can stay off drugs for ten years you know you don't need them... nobody does.
What I am picking up is depression, which could well be caused by the fear of using again.
That can be treated. Go and see a doctor. Nobody is going to critise, knowing how well you did,
For the record, I don't normally answer drug-related questions because I have no time for the people who take them.
There's something more going on here.
Take care... and do as you're told :-)
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
thank you i dontplan on ever useing again espeshally after this experience.im really trying to live a drug free lifestyle now....
I just looked up side effects of meth, and one of them was
severe musclepain if you take an overdose of meth..It seems to me
that you took more than you are saying or you took some bad meth/'
This Stuff is bad, girl. It will destroy your body and will
kill you if you do not get help.Do not put this off, You need to
go to see an addiction specialist NOW!You are an important and
worthy human beeing. Concerned for you. Ann
severe musclepain if you take an overdose of meth..It seems to me
that you took more than you are saying or you took some bad meth/'
This Stuff is bad, girl. It will destroy your body and will
kill you if you do not get help.Do not put this off, You need to
go to see an addiction specialist NOW!You are an important and
worthy human beeing. Concerned for you. Ann
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
thank you so much...i think my health is just really bad even though i been clean for so long that i cannot handle even little amounts anymore.it wasnt bad it was too good powerful andthat is whyi think i just cant handle it anymore...i think i get close to overdoseing really quickly now since my health isnt as good as it used to be...thank you so much i think ive found my answer =(
no i seriously only took 20 dollars worth thats the truth i have no reason to lie to anyone just letting you know...thanks for your feedback it means alot =)
Thanks but after this last relapse i never want to ever use again...im way to scared to even think about it.....i think this slip was a blessing in disguise....i defibnatly am to afraid to ever use agaiin....im still sick from it now.....thank you for your support
Thanks but after this last relapse i never want to ever use again...im way to scared to even think about it.....i think this slip was a blessing in disguise....i defibnatly am to afraid to ever use agaiin....im still sick from it now.....thank you for your support
sorry but i do much very so have alot of self worth i worked hard on the clean time i had and i was doing really well....im an addict for life but i didnt plan on relapsing i still dont know why i did it but i know i definatly learned from it
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |

Then I have more respect for you. Remember how sick you got this last time around and use that to keep you from relapsing again. Best of luck to you and keep your self worth. It's more important than any drug can ever be. Make sure you are honest with any doctors in the future about your addiction so they can properly prescribe medications for pain therapy should you need them. You'll have to be limited to non addicting pain meds. This will only help you to keep from relapsing again. Being honest is for your own good.
thank you and yes i totally agree with being honest.hopefully there wont be a next time though.i recently had a major eye surgery and was on perkasets for several months due to pain then i had glaucoma and it was so painful i turned to weed but i was careful with it only used it when i had alot of pain.then i found out since my eye surgery was a success it cured my glaucoma so i no longer have it now.im thinking this is what made me relapse on the meth.and i feel so horrible about it now.i know i never want to live that life ever again and itruely have learned from this experience..i dont know what i was thinking.but i do think the pain pills and little amount of weed i used led up to it.im just really concerned on why i got so sick like near death so quickly like i did two years ago...i been takeing vitamins drinking lots of water and eating lots of fruit and im starting to finally feel better....thank you for being lenient towards me for this is really difficult for me right now..i appreciate your suggestions and i promise myself that i will try even harder this time please keep me in your prayers have a good evening =)
no i didnt die but two years ago i was up for two days and i landed in the hospital for two weeks straight i was so sick i couldnt dress myself and i collapsed on the ground in my hallway trying to reach the restroom....after that happened i decided enough was enough and i was clean for almost two years and unfortunatly relapsed on easter..i only used a 20 sack and i was so sick i felt like i was going to land in the hospital like last time.i stayed up all night but didnt move around much and the next day my whole body felt bruised and i could barely walk again...i know its kind of a silly question because drugs are really bad but i just dont understand how i could get like that so quickly after being clean for so long and with the little amount i did.i made sure i stayed hyderated and ate etc but i still got majorly sick like that and i dont know why it is i get that bad oin the stuff....its scares the crap outta me and i definatly dont plan on a future relapse i think next time i relapse even if i had 10 years clean i think next time i wont be so lucky!
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |

the drugs could have been tainted with something else. This is why you can't trust uncontrolled drugs.
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