    How do vaporizers work

    0  Views: 738 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    How Does a Vaporizer Work?

    Vaporizers are becoming more popular and though there is much interest, even if you have seen one operate or you have tried one, you still may not understand how they actually work. Therefore, that in mind, this article will attempt to explain the basics of how a vaporizer works and discuss some of their benefits.

    Vaporizers use a central heating element within the device to slowly and steadily heat up herbs or some other plant or organic material to the point just before combustion occurs. When herbal plant material is burned, you are seeing some extremely high temperatures - well over a thousand degrees - that burn the product causing harmful residue and toxic gases that are then inhaled.

    When vaporizing the same product you would be dispersing only the vital elements in the material, those ingredients that will be the most beneficial for you. These primary active compounds will begin to vaporize at a much lower temperature between 350 to 400 degrees and the vapor that is produced is in nearly pure form, only trace amounts of damaging by products will be found in the vapor.

    There are many different varieties of vaporizers on the market, they are available in various price ranges, and quality comes with a higher price tag. Every vaporizer out there will vaporize your plant material though some methods are superior to others, some are more compact and still others are just engineered to a better quality. Let's look at some of the styles of vaporizer units available.

    The conductional heating vaporizer is the traditional sort of vaporizer. You simply set your product on a metal dish and as the element heats up, the dish reaches vaporizing temperature for that particular material. This is also known as direct heating since you are placing your material squarely on this dish, below which houses the heating element. The major complaint with this method is a burnt flavor or taste to the vapor since the product is in contact with the heat source. These vaporizers have been in use for more than 35 years and a lot of material has been "totally vaporized" by these particular units in that time.

    Convectional Heating vaporizers are the best variety of vaporizer when it comes to vaporizing plant or herbal materials. Because this is an indirect method of vaporizing, your product never comes in contact with the heat source. Rather the hot air envelops the material thus discharging those quality ingredients. The heat is distributed consistently so your product is more effectually and fully vaporized.

    Vaporizers can produce a vapor continuously into the air filling a room with a particular scent or aroma or they can be more "personal" and be individually inhaled. Several methods are popular for the latter and let's look at them.

    The stored vapor technique is useful when you wish to imbibe in your vapor later on. The vapor is usually stowed in a glass container of some type or in a balloon or bladder style bag for consuming at your leisure. The bladder method of storage is more popular since larger amounts can be saved. Larger volumes are more easily shared.

    Direct inhaling is just as it sounds. Using certain accessories you will inhale the vapor after it is passed through your herbal material drawing it straight into your lungs. This is the same as smoking or inhaling a cigarette only without all the harmful matter associated with smoke. You can inhale as much or as little as you wish. The vapor is clean and tastes surprisingly fresh.

    Vaporizer newbie's or experienced aficionados will find the vaporizer that suits their own needs. Those needs could be as simple as vaporizing some citronella on a porch to repel mosquito's, inhaling essential oils for aromatherapy, or for medically approved medicinal use. There is truly a vaporizer for everyone.

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