    how to detect spy cameras in a home

    does would be possible to find on market an equipment that can be used to detect or to find communications spy equipment in a apartment?

    0  Views: 837 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    WOW!  What would make you think such surveillance equipment is in your apartment? I don't know what country you hail from but here in the USA this is illegal. If your landlord placed these gadgets then you have quite a lawsuit.  However, if your wife/husband hired it installed because she/he suspects you of adultry or other activities then you're toast.  This is not illegal.


    Things You'll Need
    Metal detector
    Non-Linear junction detector
    Very low frequency receiver

    Do a visual search of areas where the spy camera may be hidden. Think as if you are in the shoes of the person who might be spying on you. Where would he hide the camera? Where would you expect to not find a camera and, therefore, where the perpetrator would conceal one? An inspection can be done without employing any devices or tools. It is also free. A spy camera does not have to be located at eye level. It can be lodged in the ceiling or in the floor. Check appliances, electrical outlets, lamps, plants, etc.

    Use a metal detector to scan areas with wooden surfaces such as book shelves and cupboards. Because the metal detector will pick up conductive parts other than the spy camera, it's unreliable to use on any objects with conductive elements.

    Try a device known as the "Non-Linear Junction Detector" (NLJD). The majority of electronic spy cameras are made of transistors or tunnel diodes, which are known as nonlinear components. This kind of detector will not pick up on regular conductive objects, but will send an alert if it finds nonlinear components. The instrument has a control unit and antenna. Sweep the antenna only inches away from areas that you suspect may be hiding a spy camera. The device is expensive and the search is time-consuming.

    Use a Very Low Frequency (VLF) receiver. Because these cameras emit standard video signals, they give off electromagnetic noise. Use the VLF antenna to sweep suspect areas for noise. If the VLF does detect the video signal of the hidden camera, the line frequency of the noise will show up on a spectrum graph. Although the VLF receiver will pick up TVs and any incorrectly shielded cables, it can also pick up on cables used by a perpetrator to conduct the video signal from the hidden camera to an outside source. However, it does not detect rogue web cameras.

    Go to a counter-surveillance specialist if all else fails. Make sure the specialist comes recommended. Do your research and find one who has a track record in finding spy cameras.

    Related Sea

    Read more: How to Detect a Spy Camera |

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