    Authorities are clamoring for answers as to what motivated Adam Lanza's killing spree.

    "Was it video games or was he trying to outdo that nut in Norway?"  I think it's a waste of time and resources, unless it is believed there was some kind of conspiracy. What purpose will it serve? He's dead. What do you think? (Adam Lanza killed 27 people in Connecticut, in case you don't recognize the name).

    +2  Views: 558 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    Same old story, experts have been trying to get into the minds of murderers and serial killers for years, none of them have EVER come up with a viable theory, there will always be nutters out there, they don't need excuses to do what they do but "experts" would like to give them one.

    I have no answer. It could be drugs, ego, or lack of personality. Why is no longer important, it's a done deal. Work on what's left behind......

    The two causes are guns and madness. Mad people can be locked up, guns can be made illegal. Neither of these things will happen so you simply have to accept that massacres will continue.

    The USA is home to about 50% of the world's civilian -owned firearms; US citizens own four times as many automatic and semi automatic rifles as the US army; the firearm homicide rate in the US is many times higher than in many other similarly wealthy countries.

    The chances of controlling firearms in a country with the NRA ( Aka Republican Party) is zero. Therefore the crazies have to be controlled or incarcerated, so would you pay higher taxes for this?

    Sadly the result will be still more massacres.


    Yes like what happened to Jews in Germany once only the government had the guns. What a massacre that was after guns were made illegal.

    Thr Nazi government was mad and they had the guns. Colleen, the Jews were doomed and wpuld have died by bullets instead of the gas chambers along with gipsies, homosexuals and other 'untermenchen'.

    Some do not believe that Obama is mad. But then there was a time when no one believed that Hitler was mad. They were rounded up easily because they did not have guns to protect themselves, only the military and police did. They were shot or gassed. Did you know that Obama has started his own youth force? Hitler had one of those too.
    When a government wants to take the guns away from the people, that is the time the people should no longer trust the government. This is a truth and has been proven over and over again.

    Colleen, your view appears to be that guns prevent massacres. In the case of Sandy Hook, if a teacher had been armed and trained could she have stopped a gunman armed with an automatic rifle? Possibly, but in my opinion the massacre would have happened, and will continue to happen.

    He did not have an automatic rifle. He had pistols. You've been lied to about the rifle. There was a hunting rifle in the car the never left the car until the police took it out. You see, pistols do not work for Obama's scheme to remove guns for the American people. By the way, an AR-15 is not an automatic rifle. Automatic rifles are illegal here in the USA.
    Now, back to your question.. They heard him coming. He would have been shot before he had a chance to take steps back into the hall this I believe. If there had been just one armed person in the office I truly believe the day would have ended differently. The massacres just may continue. We still have plenty of schools that are gun free zones where the law abiding citizens obey the rule but the criminals do not. We have more schools however adding armed security. We have plenty of mental cases out there in the open watching the killings get glamorized, seeing the attention these killings get....did you know that Obama just had yet another platform, I mean ceremony for the Sandy Hook adults who died? Yeah, he gave them all medals. Joe Biden comes to CT again today to discuss gun violence..... again. See, he's still trying to brainwash people. They've found their kool-aid mix is just not strong enough. Their trouble with their agenda is they keep talking about violent guns and gun control. You see, we have no violent guns that need to be controlled. We have violent people strung out on legally prescribed mind drugs or in some cases illegal drugs (which may not be so illegal soon) or no drugs at all, they are just plain nutty. So, keep walking on the graves of children with the anti gun people. Keep using them for an agenda and the next wacko is going to want to out do the number so he can get allll that kind of attention so he can feel powerful so he can be king of the killers because everyone loves a good tragedy, don't you know. They discuss it (SH) forever and use it to bend wills. Let the victims rest! Let the families move on! Hell I don't think 9-11 even got this much attention for so long.

    No one will ever know why he did what he did.Its pure speculation.

    He killed 27. Everyone wants to forget that he killed his mother too. She was trying to have him institutionalized  That is one theory as to what set him off. Another is the prescribed drugs he was on. All I know is that Obama continues to stand on the graves of children while he promotes his agenda to remove guns from law abiding citizens. That I find extremely morbid and compassion-less. Let the victims rest in peace. 

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