    If Colonel Qaddaf, Is Killing His Own People, Is It Permissible To Let Him Stay In Power?

    +9  Views: 2174 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Who are we to interfere with Libya? Did they demand the the removal of then President Nixon for the National Guard killing of the students at Kent State? No. Voicing your outrage at Libya is as far as we should go. Perhaps some sanctions,but to stick our nose in their business, no.

    The dictatorial regime of Muammar Gaddafi has escalated its violence against rebel forces seeking to bring it down. On March 6, opponents of the regime were reported to be in control of a number of cities, especially in Libya’s east. Al Jazeera said on March 4 that anti-government protests in the capital Tripoli had been met with tear gas by security forces. Opponents said Az Zawiyah, a town just 40 kilometres from Tripoli that is home to an oil refinery, was mostly under rebel control.

    However, a regime spokesperson, told Al Jazeera on March 5 that government forces had retaken the town. Al Jazeera reported on March 5: “At least 30 civilians have been killed after security forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, attempted to retake the rebel-held town of Az Zawiyah.”

    There are reports that Gaddafi’s forces have bombed eastern cities under rebel control. Al Jazeera said heavy battles were raging for control of strategic cities. “Heavy shelling and machine gun fire has been reported near Ras Lanuf, the eastern oil port located 660km from Tripoli,” it said. “Reuters said rebels fired a sustained barrage of mortar bombs and rockets at a military base in Ras Lanuf on Friday, which was met with artillery fire from the army.”

    Gaddafi has made it clear in public statements that he intends to use whatever force possible to save his crumbling regime. His bizarre rants against his opponents have included allegations that Al Qaeda has spiked the milk and coffee drunk by Libyan youth with hallucinogenic drugs.


    I am so impresed with your answer it has made very good reading and yes I had heard about the drugs and he is also giving his troops Viagra so they can rape woman!! oh by the way I recieved my cd from the states The Beautiful Truth we watched this afternoon what can I say I was gob smacked thanks again about talking about it luv ya oxoxoox

    Love ya back! Glad to hear you purchased the Beautiful Truth CD, very informative, also, an eye opener for me. Enjoy! :-)
    I would agree with ed shank we have stuck our nose"s in already.Look what happend when bush/blair we are still bringing back body bags of soldiers they opened a can of worms i have never heard of protest before "saddam i think lets do it the brits and yanks will bail us out i say to you this will be a never ending war (as Johnny cash sang Man in black about wars tam
    Let me show an opposing view point even though I agree with everyone else so far.

    If we don't manage the countries in the world, as well as the nuclear nonproliferation act, who will? If the U.S. doesn't lead who will the UN? I doubt it they are like a dog without teeth without the U.S..

    The terrible fact of the matter is that someone has to hold these leaders and nations responsible for following the rules. If they aren't kept in check by someone, they will just wind up abusing their power, this is common in the history of man.

    Personally I don't like the fact that the U.S. is the world's police force, but the sorry truth is that someone needs to do it.

    because they live in a world of hatred and fear,the are negative they are intolerant of everone  not Just people that believe in God. Take care & confusion God is a source of love and strength,people that believe in God do not have to be weak it's quite the opposite, We also don't have to sacrifice as we have been forgiven by grace which Jesus Christ gave to us when he died for our sins. Evil has no power against goodness and people who choose not to believe have nothing buy themselves to rely on, it doesn't work for them and they suffer great pain. We are nothing without God. Hope this helps tube you many find  go to strongspirit3436 at u  tube you can fin all the info about I his s

    because they live in a world of hatred and fear,the are negative they are intolerant of everone  not Just people that believe in God. Take care & confusion God is a source of love and strength,people that believe in God do not have to be weak it's quite the opposite, We also don't have to sacrifice as we have been forgiven by grace which Jesus Christ gave to us when he died for our sins. Evil has no power against goodness and people who choose not to believe have nothing buy themselves to rely on, it doesn't work for them and they suffer great pain. We are nothing without God. Hope this helps tube you many find  go to strongspirit3436 at u  tube you can fin all the info about I his s

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