1 Answer
It's probably the same hijacker that took over my search engine default yesterday...Babylon!!!
Go to your: start, then to: control panel, then to: change or remove programs and check first for Babylon and remove that first as this hijacker throws a few toolbars at you at once...then go after..is it Clarosearch? I seem to recall having to remove 2 or 3 of these and there was also a video downloader called Performersoft?(babylon) that came attached to this toolbar business...in any case good luck and here's a page full of links to help you as well>>>https://www.google.ca/search?q=How+can+I+get+rid+of+this+stupid+new+toolbar+and+restore+my+Firefox%3F&rlz=1C1AFAB_enCA516CA517&oq=How+can+I+get+rid+of+this+stupid+new+toolbar+and+restore+my+Firefox%3F&aqs=chrome.0.57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |