    How do I get my books from my computer to my Kobo REader

    0  Views: 531 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Well, if it works like my nook you go to the folder that has your books and there will be icons for each book. Plug your e-reader into your computer and then on the left of your folder it will say Kobo reader. You click on the books icon and drag it onto the words kobo reader and it will send the book to your kobo. You then do this for each book. This is how my nook works and they all probably work the same.

    Oh, and one other thing I learned is that you while you can download books free from a public library, you have to remember that they are formated idifferently and the library books will take up more space than books you purchase online. So, you have to make sure that you remove them properly when they are due back. I'm still having problems with this and I intend to ask the expert at Barnes and Noble about it. When I get an answer I'll let you know. By the way, I was really surprised by how much space the library books took up.

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