    Who is the composer of "Gipsy ear"

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    Tags: violin music

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    Box of Visions Lyrics
    by Tom Russell & Iris DeMent

    I give to you a box of visions
    I give to you a jar of hearts
    I'll give to you the gypsy's ear
    To hear the sacred harp
    I'll give to you a house of mirrors
    A thousand eyes they belong to you
    A labyrinth of wild roses
    I know you'll find your own way through

    Wait a while and you'll grow older
    Never mind what the old/wise folks say
    Just keep an angel on your shoulder
    Never throw your dreams away
    For they will save your life one day

    A song is just a box of visions
    you can's unlock it with a key
    A message rolled up inside a bottle
    And dropped into the stormy sea

    A song is just a box of visions
    A jar of hears and a gypsy's ear
    A labyrinth of wild roses
    A journey though the house of mirrors

    Wait a while and you'll grow older
    Never mind what the old/wise folks say
    Just keep an angel on your shoulder
    Never throw your dreams away
    For they will save your life one day

    Deleted User

    I sing this in the shower using an Irish accent

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