18 Answers
Slightly off topic, but in the UK Scouts no longer have to say they believe in God when joining. A step forward in my opinion.
Another thought, I believe that Baden-Powell the Scouts founder was homosexual, so the inclusion of gay Scouts is logical.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Boys will be boys, girls will be girls, straight? Gay? Who cares.
If you've got a problem with that it's YOUR PROBLEM.
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |

Karma: 190471
ROMOS: That sounded a little bit like you were pointing your finger at me! I didn't give my response. I just asked a question. Take a deep breath - 2, 3, 4 ...
Why not? So long as they keep their privates private, I don't see a problem.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |

There's a big difference between being gay and being a pedophile.
Taking pedophelia out of the equation, I believe that gay males should not be entrusted to leadership positions when the followers are young boys. Same goes for lesbians leading young girls. For the same reasons as straight males should not lead young females and vice-versa.
While the risk is very small, the repercussions are too horrible to consider.

While the risk is very small, the repercussions are too horrible to consider.
"Are all paedophiles GAY?" ?
You are being disingenuous,my friend.
How does "Like I said, the risk of any impropriety occurring is very small. Nonetheless, why risk it ? " translate into
"... all paedophiles (are)GAY?" ?
Try it, and what becomes a problem, deal with that! As long as leaders are going through CORI and necessary background checks, it should work. I have a gay brother, and I would never feel concerned with him around my son, or yours! He lived in a closet much too long, it wasn't fair...
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Should we separate all gay doctors, EMT people, firefighters, police officers, military people from the straight ones? These are the fields that the Boy Scouts of America hope to direct young boys towards. A life based on helpfulness, good morals and good character should include unity, not separation.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
NO, itsmee. The Boy and Girl Scouts of America were not founded on sexual orientation. The problems arise when there are pedophile leaders or sexually aggressive scouts who intimidate others. Scouts should be very busy learning and doing so much other stuff that there is no time for sex.
My sons were Cub Scout and had a pretty good time earning badges and building balsa wood hot rods with their (idiot) dad. I belonged to 4H and still have and use things I made in 1964 (laundry bag, apron, vase). Dad used to buy animals at the 4H fair and have them butchered for consumption (which was why the 4H kid raised it). Organizations and classes that give kids responsibilities and opportunities are vital in our society. Too bad the education system is deleting those home ec, welding, horticulture, auto shop, and fine arts courses in favor of.....uh......why ARE those important courses being phased out???
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

I can't see why there shouild be a problem, my son's both had driving lessons when the were 17 with an instructor who was openly gay, they did not have a problem with that and neither did I, they went off to learn to drive with him knowing he was gay , they trusted him and so did I knowing that he was gay didn't make any difference. A paedophile is more likley to be straight in my opinion, they are different in the sence that you rairly know who they are.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I don't think any boy or girl should declare themselves gay untill they're at least 18 or 19......b/c young boys are known to experiment with eachother and it doesn't mean they're gay. And it's not unusual for a young teen or pre- teen girl to get a " crush " on her female teacher. That doens't mean they're gay . It's more of a form of hero worship. Their true sexuality will come out more when they're in college or college age.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

I am appalled why do children have to bought into the discussion. It can only be an adult bigot that would ask this question. The majority of children dont even know what gays are unless told by an adult. Just let them have fun without bringing sex into it. Would this have been asked 30 years ago 20 years ago no I dont think so. The world is a bad place, I know we had a war but it was such a better life then. We looked after each other and children were just children living a normal life without talk of sex.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

As for kids not caring about gays....maybe the young ones. But more and more kids nearing puberty are aware of homosexuals and many schools across the USA have student led groups educating others to stop the bullying and violence against gay teens or anyone who is considered different. Yes, it is a new world and these kids have to grow up in it. Today, they need to know more than we did growing up.
No no no. Why does everyone try to normalize gay and lesbian groups. they will make it all soooo commonplace that our society will just fall into ruin. read up on it. it's not just my opinion. look inot history. Look into the states that have okay'd gay "joinings" They are NOT marriages. Marriages are between a man and a woman. why do you think we were made into the two very different beings. DUH????
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Gotta love the religious who put limitations on their love of humanity.
Yes, I do think that gays should be allowed in the boy scouts. I can't see what harm it would do. Its the pedaphiles they need to worry about.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |