    How do u kiss some one at school, without getting told off?

    0  Views: 2200 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: love daiting

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    Karma: 390

    it's not for me, it's for my friend. I know they shouldn't kiss in school, because in school, it's work time! But please. Were would u kiss? And how to keep it a secret?

    Your friend needs to show some self-respect by NOT kissing at school. The message that behavior sends, along with the butt-grabbing and other disrespectful antics girls allow upon themselves is that she is "cheap and easy". WHERE? At the end of a date, when he is saying good-night. Making out too often leads to making babies. I hope your friend is smarter than you are leading me to believe.

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    9 Answers

    Yeah, what Colleen said, YOU DON'T.
    Keep your personal life out of the hallways and classrooms and cafeterias and locker room.

    School is for school work and learning.....not learning how to kiss!  Get to work!

    School is for learning more than what is in the lesson plan.  A life lesson is that PDA are not acceptable.  Not only because they are not acceptable in public, but are a major distraction to the educational process.  You are there for learning, not making out!  If you are not allowed to date, wait until you are!  The school staff, and other students should not be subjected to your actions which should be private, not in school.  Interesting that when students do not learn, the parents wish to sue the school system!  This as well as the cell phones, etc. are the reasons that kids are not learning, the teachers can do their jobs, the kids and parents must do theirs!   From a 35 yr. veteran of teaching high school...


    cell phones should not be allowed in school.

    Amen to that, as an educator, it was quite a problem. Administrators were caving in to that parent who insisted their child carry it, rather than leave it in their lockers... Lots of cheating going on with them also. Major distraction to the education of our kids...

    You don't. Have you discussed any of this with your mother?


    Exactly what your mother would say.

    Don't kiss at school. It's not the appropriate place to kiss. And don't kiss jsut for the h- - - -   of it, or b/c you think it will make you poplular with the boys. At the rate you're going , you're going to end up pregnant at 14 or 15.

    just go in the bathroom in the girls or boys turst me it works because i did it



    Girls do not belong in the boys bathroom and boys do not belong in the girls bathroom. Are you trying to get her expelled?

    If it was me I'd take a tell off any day for a good smooch.

    i havent kiss anyone except my mom,dad,grandparent


    without asking.

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