    How should schools deal with cellphone usage during the school day?

    Since parents give kids cell phones, I (retired teacher) wonder what their advise is when kids are using them during the classes, sometimes to cheat on tests? 

    +5  Views: 1253 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    The school should have a hard and fast rule that NO cell phones are allowed in school.They're too distracting.The kids sit there and text,or play games. The phones make little noises,disrupting the class, and interupting the teacher.

    8 Answers

    When i worked for Mitsubishi, they would have an annual intake of apprentices, these kids wpuld have to sit for an exam to determine the top ten, to be indentioned. The manager had a table situated next to the door to the huge canteen where they would be tested, he asked each one to leave all electronic devices, slide rules etc, he told me this eliminated at least 1/3rd of them already from passing, so i say 'NO', let them use their brains, they are there to be educated not socialise or cheat on mobile/ cell phones.


    No fun there Bullet if you can`t use your "Phone a friend card")!;-)

    My wife worked in a school for years, and they had all mobile phones locked in a cupboard all day and returned to the kids when school finished. I think they should be banned in the office as well, during work time anyway.

    I had a carpet business for years, and one thing which annoyed me was when we would be in the middle of carrying a large lump of carpet up some stairs, and the boy who worked with me would stop and answer his phone half way up the stair, leaving me standing there holding the great big lump of carpet, very helpful.


    Anyone ever heard of a sliderule?
    I loved mine.

    Yes, I was telling Colleen that I used one before calculators, and before that, we counted rocks... We had to chip letters into the stone to write, and used the chips to do math! I'm very old you know...

    Oh those were the days bustieone..before pens were invented!;-)

    Kids were cheating on tests, long before cell phones were around. I was in college, as a mature student (more than 20 years ago) and watched it at EVERY exam.....notes written on shoes, rulers, down the sides of a pencil even, on the inside cuff of a sleeve, on desk tops, and of course, arms, legs, and hands. Cheaters always figure out how to do it. However, I still think that a classroom, is NOT the place for a cell phone. Remember though, that even some parents WANT their kid to have a phone on them at all times. It's a "new society", that's for sure and I don't know the answer.


    Yes cheating was/is always going to happen. High tech cheating, and wasting time rather than paying attention to lessons is not necessary. I say to the parent who will not tell their child to leave the phone in coat pocket in locker, or in office for the day, take your kid home and homeschool, and then you will control him 24/7!

    Agreed..."helicopter parents" abound. Sad that many parents have to live in fear nowadays but I can hardly blame them. :(

    I agree livingdol..but I`d go further and make it a rule that kids hand their phones in at arrival of school and collect at the end of the school day!..We all managed fine at school when there were no mobile phones..better no doubt..even during break times I`d rather the kids were interacting with their friends face to face and not glued to compu games/texting..etc...Plus it gives out more chance that the child may be participating more in sports/other healthier projects and school activities during their breaks!..They are in school to be educated and to develop their social skills...We could always make emergency phone calls with the schools supervision if need be..but I know that there are many on here who won`t agree with me on this one but I personally are happier knowing that the kids have phones on them outside the school gates,gives me more peace of mind to know that they can communicate at anytime once they our outside school supervision!..I can log on to my daughter`s school canteen account to check up to see what she`s eating at lunchtime...but I`m not going to do that..I  find it a step too far..If we`re going to do that we might as well just get them micro chipped so that we can completely keep tabs on their every move..more like having a robot to programme..not a child who needs to be free to make their own choices and learn responsibility for themselves,they`ll never do that if their every single move is being monitored!...Just my view!

    All cellphones and other electric devices should be dropped off at the school's office before classes start. These gadgets and devices should not be in any classroom. Any one caught should be sent home. I am hard pressed to believe that no kid with access to the internet does not use their phone to cheat with. In my day, cheaters where sent home. We couldn't even have a calculator in class. All math problems had to be worked out on paper. We used our own brains to get out work done, not someone else's and not an electronic one. 


    The administration of many schools walks lightly on this subject, as the parents support kids having them, so they know where their kid is. Can you believe that crap? I would confiscate them, give them to the principal and tell the kid to pick it up at end of day in office. They then came up with a demerit checkoff for that offense, so Admn. did not have to deal with it! They gave "soft warnings" to students, "do not let us catch you with cell phones", not "Do not have them on you"... Modern Administrators need backbones, and should not cave in to parents!

    I agree. The parents need to stop catering to their kids too. If they need to know where their kids are, then put them on leashes. Call the school to verify little Johnny made it to class. Kids do not need theses devices in the classroom! The school should have the final say on this not the loopy parent who doesn't care that little Johnny uses his cellphone to cheat with.

    I wonder if same parents think it time to put a radio collar on little Johnny, or a chip implant like Fido's so she can track him, it would also help with attendance, and to prevent skipping classes, they could zap Johnny if he was not in class!

    Hahaha! I love that idea!

    yes..we`d have been expelled,not just sent home..we had to show on paper how we`d reached the seemed crazy when they introduced calculators in exams!

    It bothers me beyond words when people use their cell phones at work. SCHOOL is a student's job.  The breaks between classes and lunch break are for socializing with person.   Use of cell phones during class time should be strictly forbidden. If there is a need for a student to be contacted (EMERGENCY), the protocol should be contacting the school to contact the student, NOT contacting the student directly.  Parents should leave their kids alone during school hours.


    Hear, Hear, Bob,

    ...and let them develop normal social relationships? I fully agree!

    The future generation are our future nation.....what is taught in school becomes a backbone of education,....for disclipining students. As such i am much again the usage of cellphones while in the class room. I think lockers should be provided for students to deposit their cell phones during class hours.  Otherwise its an asset as parents can monitor their children.


    Schools don't have lockers anymore? We had them. Of course kids broke into them all the time. Phones should be deposited at the office. My mother raised 8 kids. We never needed to be monitored. We obeyed house rules. Why do parents find it so hard to make their kids mind today?

    Lack of discipline, Colleen.

    I agree on that Collen, I often wonder why parents can't or don't bother to control their kids these days. I have two sons , they are 38 and 40 now and they still know when they have gone too far , they may answer back but they know not to push us too much, they still have respect, even though they are bigger than me.

    Kids, many cannot even train a dog, see the C. List posts of all "placing dogs". Good thing they cannot give the kids away! They are too lazy with the "me stuff" to worry about the upbringing of their own kids. The expect the schools to do it for them... And yes there are still lockers. I substituted in a middle school 3 yrs. ago, and kids carried their books around all day, as they were either too lazy, or stupid to operate the combinations!

    kids broke into lockers ?! What for? They didn't do that when I was in H.S. b/c they lockers were empty after school.During school, there was nothing in there , but your coat, and maybe one or two books.

    Just watch the news MCM. There are a few more items in lockers nowadays, than there were years ago. For instance, drugs, guns, knives, brand name (expensive) clothing, high priced gym shoes, tablets, cell phones, laptops, etc. That is why lockers get broken into...just like homes do. Some kids feel entitled to "take" whatever they choose.

    ...and many schools have removed the lockers because of vandalism, theft, and to lessen the likelihood of drugs and/or weapons finding their way onto campus.

    Simples... NÃO LEVA !  Os professores que gostam de dar aulas agradecem.


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