    Sharing photobooks?

    Can I upload a photobook to share with others on face book without link to selling, so that I can take the orders and organise myself?


    0  Views: 768 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    You can create a photo album on your Facebook account. Go to your Facebook page, see photos, click it. The on the next page click albums, on the next page, click create new album. When your pictures file opens, find the folder with the pictures you want to share, double click on the folder, then using your cursor, highlight all the pictures you want to upload. Do not click on the pictures, but put your cursor in a blank area, left click and hold, then move your mouse over all the pictures highlighting them in blue. You will see the "file name" box fill with all the names or numbers of the photos selected. Once you've added all the pictures, click "open". This should activate Facebook's uploader. 

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