    how do I remove the keyed lock ignition switch from a 1995 Ford F-150?

    how do I remove the keyed lock ignition switch from a 1995 Ford F-150 with key broken off in switch?

    0  Views: 1683 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Steps to remove and replace the lock cylinder

    To Remove the Lock Cylinder

    1: Remove the cover UPPER/LOWER) from the steering column(usually 2 Phillips screws in lower cover, directly behind the steering wheel.
    2: Turn the key to the run position (the position before start).
    3: Using a small diameter object (paper clip) slide the wire into the hole located underneath the ignition switch on the underside of the column. While pushing up on the pin in the hole, turn the key and pull outward. The tumbler should release and come out.
    4: To replace, turn the key in the new cylinder to run.
    6: Place the cylinder in the column where the old one came out.
    7: Turn the key to the off position and the cylinder is now locked in place. 

    * Since your key broke off in the ignition, you will have to find a way of turning the ignition to the on position.


    whats the best way to remove it when broken then?

    Call a locksmith or try this suggestion >
    I've never broken a key off in an ignition so I have no real ideas of my own. I'm just checking the internet to get answers from people who have been there and done that.

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