    Does a father have responsiblie after minors turn 18 to still hear, about amounted owned in back payments to Child Support? Jewish different?

    Okay here we go again, talking about the man of my life, who happens to be a Jewish man, with limited education. So the stories that he tells are all about the crimes that he committed as a minor, and the women that he started having sex with before the age of ten. He tells the stories of how he use to race around with his home boys stealing cars to go racing at night. He tells stories on how close he came to dying by stupid acts with out thoughts for the outcome. He talks about how his brouther was a ladies man, and he knew over 3000 women on the basic level. He talks about his father and how mean and nasty he was, and how he kinked him out because of his temper. His father’s temper left very little room for healthy conversations about problems on any level. His stories about his mother is that she has never had one happy date yet, and she is ninty years old.

    This is just more of the story of this Jewish family that we are doing a study on. More for later.

    Manners from the grandmother that is being shared.

    0  Views: 592 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    I'm confused. Do you have a question because the stories listed have nothing to do with the way you titled this.

    If you are asking if a man is still responsible for back child support once the child reaches 18 years of age, the answer is, yes, here in the USA he is still responsible for child support owed and can go to prison for failure to pay. The fact that he is a story teller and Jewish has no bearing on payment of child support owed. 

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