1 Answer
Do you mean cancel your membership?
Open your Internet browser (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer) and navigate to pogo.com.
Access your account information by clicking the "Sign On" link on the homepage.
Log in to your Pogo account using the username and password you registered with. Once you are logged in you will have access to all of your Pogo account information from billing to played game details.
Locate the "Edit Subscription Billing Info" button to view the details of your account as well as information on cancelling your subscription charges altogether.
Click "Cancel Subscription." Follow the on-screen instructions. Remove any billing information such as credit or debit card details. Your original Pogo account will still be available, but your subscription and Club Pogo membership will be cancelled and removed from the system.
Read more: How to Cancel a Pogo Account | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_8364015_cancel-pogo-account.html#ixzz2IsTR3dRN
Other than that, just click the X top right corner of your screen.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |