    Would you avoid going to lunch with people who you know have been exposed to the flu in the past three days?

    It’s kinda paranoid but I have had Pneumonia two times and I’m scared. 

    +1  Views: 460 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago
    Deleted User

    But you have a chronic illness so your immune system is down. I use to get the flu shot but I don't have it now because I get a bad flu the next day and my ammune is shocking takes me months to get over what takes others a week.
    I would avoid as well. No one comes here if they are sick, there more worried about what will happen if I catch it..
    So yeah I would avoid ..

    You gave me some good words here. The flu gets me even when I have the flu shot. A teacher said, “What you believe to be true either is true or will become true.” It wouldn’t be for my best if I took the chance. I’m sad about this. The virus of little kids is really strong. When I worked with kids I never got the flu because of the constant exposure but that was then. I don’t know if I can avoid. Tomorrow I’ll have the answer. Thank You xxx itsmee xxx

    Thanks to you I talked to my daughter. I’ll be seeing her and my three little grand daughters next week. I need to keep my health good because if my daughter gets the flu, guess who will do the babysitting? The phone call was easy. She understood.
    P.S. My doctor has masks in her office. She says “just put one on when you come in. Other patients won’t know if you have the flu or if you are protecting yourself."

    3 Answers

    yes avoid,you can always catch up at a later date,do you need the flu?


    That’s a good way to put it. I’m going to get a couple of cans of Lysol.

    lightweight bowlsey!;-)...Who needs a life in solitary confinement:-?...Stay at home then ...the roof may fall in;-)...Who knows! have to take your chances and decide what you`d rather do!..I`d be out there having some fun:-!

    its..I get where you`re coming from,but I wouldn`t hide away unless I was borderline unwell myself and at greater risk of contracting the virus...Are your yearly flu jabs up to date?...If so I personally would go for it!...We are always exposed to germs just by going about our daily,public transport,hanging around any other person I`d think more about having a good time out seeing my friends than worrying!(I`d never go anywhere if I stopped all the time to worry about what might get me);-)...You decide..grab your hat and coat and go have some nice food,company and fun!...:-)


    It isn’t a firm decision but I read Regina and I think I’ll follow what she said. Who knows? You wrote “Are your yearly flu jabs up to date” Uh, millie was that a typo? It fit perfectly. tee hee. I think Valentine’s Day will be the better time.

    its..what`s a "typo":-?..I`m too dumb!;-)Lol!Xx

    the only reason i gave the answer i did was because itsme also said that she/he had had pneumonia twice before.....lightweight indeed.

    bowlesy~I have chronic pain as well as being really suseptible to pneumonia. Saw the doctor today and he suggested that I hide away for the next two-three weeks.

    Oh sorry to hear that!..I take it back..don`t go until you are better!Xx

    You probably wouldn't catch flu from them especially if you have had your flu  jabs. But if you are really worried , just make an excuse and say you will meet them another time


    They call it the Sydney Flu because it comes from Australia. It looks terrible. They have done interviews with people who have it. Diarrhea for a week -- nope not for me.

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