    I have forgot my username and password. How can I recover this information?

    0  Views: 734 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    On the log in page, click forgot user name and an e-mail reminder will be sent. Then go back to the log in page and click forgot password and a reset link will be sent to your e-mail address. Now if it's an e-mail account that you forgot both user name and password to, then your out of luck as they need to e-mail the information unless they use the security questions you answered when you set up the account for both the user name and password. 


    Depending on what site it is,you may be able to click forgot password and username and they can either email or send you an sms (text message) to your phone of a verification number,it will then say to enter this verification number in the box,then you should be able to reset your password,it may ask you for those options if it is email and it gives you the sms option use the sms option.

    Depending on what  site it is, for password reset and possibly username forgetting,you can click forgot password or username,it may ask you if you want a code sent by email to  you or it may ask if you want an automated call or sms (text message sent to your cell phone) of a code, it will then take you to a page where you are to enter that code into the box then you should be able to reset your password after you enter that code and click enter or submit, something  under the box to tell it you'r done. I hope this is helpful.

    Sincerely, Anthony Volkman 

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