
    My husband and I have had her tested for everything and the doctors can't seem to be able to give us a diagnosis, and things are not getting any better, my beautiful daughter has struggled and suffered so much and it breaks my heart to know that Yutopar that was given to me affected my baby and I knowing, that not only that I have to live with that, my that daughter is the one who suffers from it on a daily basis. My second child is normal, and I did not take the drug while carring him. I would really like to talk to all of you, something needs to be done to care for these kids that are now adults that can not cope, sleep, eat, extremely depressed, sucidal thoughts, learning problems, unable to conform to society, lies, can't function in everyday life and with everyday problems... We need help... if anyone out there could possible contact me.

    0  Views: 747 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    You have the wrong forum. This is akaQA a general question and answer forum, the ask a question button you used to post this is not linked to the page you are on. Sorry and I wish you and your daughter the best. 

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