    Merry Xmas from this side of the world! It's Christmas Eve and I'm waiting for Santa. I hope he visits you all!

    I'm not expecting a thing except possibly the return of my cat.  Merry Christmas to all my akaqa family! Let's bring in a great New Year!

    +5  Views: 763 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago
    country bumpkin

    Merry Christmas Julie

    9 Answers

    I have built a santa trap, I'm gunna catch him and hold him for ransom. This is my plan. I tried last year but my santa trap didn't hold up, I have redesigned it and i do expect it to perform flawlessly.  I'll let you know how it works out.  I'm serious about this!

    I hope you cat comes home though...


    Dammit! he got away again!! I need a bigger and better Santa Trap. We can put a man on the moon but we can't catch Santa. I did see mommy kissing Santa Claus when i was a kid though. Mom denied it. I know what I saw!! :)

    I really hope Worthless comes home !!!!!!!

    According to my Santa Tracker on my phone he has been and gone by now in Nth America in fact he has delivered all the presents and gone back home to the Nth. Pole. Merry Christmas, JH.


    Santa just left my neighbors house for some unknown reason he skipped over my house perhaps his GPS is on the blink just like Rudolps nose..!!


    ""Have a good one.Cheers.

    Santa had a slight mishap in Bass straight poor bugger was struck by lightning they had to call I emergency services , he landed in Australia about 12-34 and they replaced the reindeer with kangaroos.. Poor raindeer , don't worry there in good hands .. Doctor Harry is looking after them ...

    He came to me big time :) I only have 2 things that are useless to us but we will regift lol tut terrible isn't it lol

    I am so sorry about "Worthless". I hope and pray you find him. I am sure christmas was not what it schould have been, without your cat.
    I have lost chester last year before christmas and my cat tuxedo the day after christmas many years ago. . I did light candles for both of them and prayed. I could feel theire presence(Perhaps only in my mind?) and felt much more peaceful after.
    I am thinking of you and hope desperately that Worthless will come home.

    Best wishes for the NEW YEAR!


    How sweet @Ann! Thank you. I'm finally coming to terms that he may not return. Otherwise, I saw Christmas in well. It's been a very good holiday!

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