    what the hell is wrong with the crazy people in this world today? is it the employment rate or what

    +1  Views: 525 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    Too many people spreading Gloom and Doom.  Always look on the bright side of life.


    I’m about to start my day. I’ve been fiddling around and not doing the tasks I need to do. I’ve been thinking about the Gloom and Doom you speak about.
    Well, I tell you - I’m going to shake that off and put on my happy face. When you smile it actually does something to your brain to make you feel happier,
    It’s difficult right now because of Newtown and other stuff but I can’t do anything ... I will start with the people around me and my environment. Every Christmas light will go on and it’s not even noon.
    Thank you, west-bus.

    Sorry, I think the nuts have always been there.  The media is better at announcing them now days. I would be a complete nut if not for medication. I'm one of the lucky ones.....


    I am standing with you on this one, Julie.

    There’s more, of course. I started naming them and almost drove myself crazy. Maybe I’ll write myself a little essay and put it in my dresser drawer. Too much.
    I keep writing and deleting. For my sanity, I’ll read and stop this writing on the subject.

    Fear. That's it. They fear. This is what happens when a government governs for itself and not the people. Try not to use swear words in your questions or comments here in the future. Thanks. 


    Hi Colleen,you hit that one on the head "This is what happens when a government governs for itself and not the people".Will we ever learn?Hey I just seen your one million karma plus mark,nice,I'm right behind you :)

    Thanks Rick and it's always good to see you here. You are missed when you're not. These people will learn when reality finally smacks them in the face hard enough that they finally wake up and see the world the non sleepers have been living in. It will take time but eventually, they will have to wake up or die with a dying nation that was once a great nation but is now on it's way to becoming a 3rd world country over run with cold hearted dictators. Our 4th amendment rights are about near gone now. We have zero privacy because the dictators have the right to listen in on our phone calls, read our e-mails, read our text messages and read our Facebook pages. In 2008, Obama, through the use of Bush's Patriot act, removed the last of our privacy rights and gave the government the right to invade our personal spaces. Now he wants our guns after protecting the hair brains of Fast and Furious scandal who send thousands of assault weapons to Mexico. Those weapons came back across the border and were used to kill US border patrol agents and American citizens. He used executive privilege to have all proof of this scandal buried so it can not be used in a court of law. Now he thinks he's going to dictate the American people and infringe on yet another one of our rights? He thinks he can tell us whether we can have guns or not. A true dictator he is. Those who know him fear his power over the people. A power that the US Constitution is suppose to protect us from. They fear for their life, their liberties and their rights. He has zero respect for the US Constitution or the people of this country. Yes, it's understandable why the people live in fear.

    Too right Colleen but not only the USA - fear is the dominating force throughout even within ourselves.

    I can't help but to tell you I know a lot of unemployed and under-employed folks who are not maniacs (yet?).  I think the rest of the answers are pretty interesting and I would chose from one of them.  

    Nice question, thanks. The world is heating and we all know deep down in our gut that our ongoing dumping of CO2 ( by burning oil based products) will kill all of the people and nature on the planet if we stop burning oil today. It is too late and the cascade of pollution has started and cannot be stopped. It only takes a very few short years and the planet will be dead. So folk are reacting to the certainty of our end that is approaching like an out of control freight train and they are reacting badly…they just know something is going to kill them and it’s totally unfair. It isn’t easy to have to wait for an untimely end that no one can do anything about but continue to wait for the inevitable end. OK…I know I could be wrong…maybe it’s just warming to a pleasant, salubrious environment like southern Italy without having to go there…keep that thought and sleep the heat away…It’ll cool off at night and you can drive to the arctic circle where it may snow a little, like last year. 

    The mental health problem and medicaid  will only help pay for the poor and if you're rich you can pay for you're own  insurance helps some if you're lucky and if it don't cover this problem  you will pay for everything you're self 


    Will Obamacare pay for all the mental health problems? Come next year, we will all be living under the forced "healthcare" by this dictator. I do not remember hearing anything about mental health being covered or how they will treat those with mental health. Are they going to tax us some more to now cover the cost of housing the insane because Obamacare can not afford to support them? That will have to be a whole new tax on top of the added taxes we are soon to be hit with.

    A 5% CO2 level increases anxiety and can trigger panic disorders. Having been exposed to various levels of CO2 I found the experience mentally dulling and anxiety increases to intolerance quickly.

    Sorry Robert, I do not believe the whole global warming thing. I also do not believe we've polluted this planet as much as you believe. The earth is an amazing thing. She can renew and recover from whatever damage we've done. I do not believe there is enough CO2 in the air to cause mental meltdowns. I think it's the medication they are giving these people that is causing the mental melt downs.

    We are at 400ppm presently which is much less than 1%, 1% is 10,000ppm. I do not think global warming is associated with CO2. The sun also has been changing in it’s thermal output as a result of the fact that it is now burning off helium more than hydrogen. Helium burns a little hotter than hydrogen but there is much less of it to burn. I have not seen what’s next up on the solar diet, but I doubt there is anything to worry about. We probably get more CO2 into our blood stream by drinking carbonated beverages than by breathing air in the open.

    It's all the sex and violence they see on TV all the time.......and in the movies,books,  and video games. Young people don't have any upright , good, decent role model heros to look up to anymore. A lot of boys don't have their father in the home to teach them how to be men. Many men who grew up in such a home don't have a clue of how to treat a woman on a date, or how to conduct a relationship.


    I don't agree with the first bit. They are trying to apply that to Adam too but what about his brother? His brother didn't become a mass murderer though he was raised on the same movies and video games as Adam. I blame the medication they are putting kids on for the one size fits all ADHD that they want to label most all kids with now. A lot of these kids have behavioral problems not because of having a disorder but because they lack good old fashioned spankings. You know, those things parents go to jail for now. I blame the government for what is wrong with people.

    I think the anti social and violent behaviours seen now is both complex, and a combination of things in our society. The best I know to do for myself is know I can choose my attitude, I can make my day a pleasant and happy one or be be miserable

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